Monday, October 26, 2015

47 66 142 147 | Earthquake Reporting in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Southern Asia

Notice the reporting is coming from Kabul.

Notice the Pythagorean Gematria of Kabul, Afghanistan.

Kabul = 2+1+2+3+3 = 11
Afghanistan = 1+6+7+8+1+5+9+1+2+1+5 = 46/55
Kabul, Afghanistan = 57/66

'66' is almost always coded into earthquake stories, likely because of the 'USGS'.

USGS = 21+9+7+19 = 66

Look at the name of the person reporting on the earthquake for CNN, 'Zachary Reeves'.

Zachary = 8+1+3+8+1+9+7 = 37
Reeves = 9+5+5+4+5+1 = 29/38
Zachary Reeves = 66/75

Take the time to listen to Mr. Reeves, he sounds fucking retarded and as if he was stuck in front of a microphone without a clue what to say... "Uhh, uhhh, uhhhhh...."

The epicenter was close to "Jarm".

Jarm = 10+1+18+13 = 42
Jarm = 1+1+9+4 = 15

Was this an act of man made terrorism?  It very well might have been.  Afghanistan, Pakistan and the rest of the region seem to suffer more earthquakes than any other part of the world, at least in terms of what is reported in the mainstream media.


  1. 1.) Oct. 29th Date Num.# looks suspicious for the President. 74,47,54

    2.) Hurricane - Patricia = 41 (Pythag.) 10+23+2+0+1+5 = 41 ? Harrp ?

  2. Yeah I wonder if it's related to whatever methods they may have used to possibly create Patricia in Mexico. I don't know the geometry of it, (which could be interesting of someone calculated) but Afghanistan & Mexico are basically twins on the globe, both in the Northern hemisphere pretty much directly across the world from each other. (assuming we do, in fact, live on a globe :)

  3. Zach, what is the date..... 10/26 = 10/8 = 18 (9)

    180 deaths (18) (9)

    Asia in English Gematria Equals: 180 (9)

    South Asia in Jewish Gematria Equals: 549 = 18 (9)

    Jarm in Jewish Gematria Equals: 711 (117 = 11/7 = 18) (9)

    Kabul, Afghanistan in English Gematria Equals: 882 = 18 (9)

    I used to watch the headlines everyday and noticed this pattern.

    They seem to always put out stories that correlate exactly with the numerology of the date.

    today is 10/26.
    1 & (2+6)
    So the names and numbers in the story will all simplify to 8 & 9.

    tomorrow is 10/27. So all stories they put out will have gematria of 9, & 19 (1)

    Just watch and see.


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