Monday, October 26, 2015

33 42 44 111 119 142 | 7th High School Football Player Dies (Again In Cook County)

Every weekend there is a new story like this.  Again, it is 'Cook County'... CC, 33.

Andre = 1+5+4+9+5 = 24
Smith = 1+4+9+2+8 = 24/33
Andre Smith = 48/57 (Hoax = 48)
AS = 11

Andre = 1+14+4+18+5 = 42
Smith = 19+13+9+20+8 = 69
Andre Smith = 111
AS = 119

Cook = 3+6+6+2 = 17
County = 3+6+3+5+2+7 = 26
Cook County = 43

Cook = 3+15+15+11 = 44
County = 3+15+21+14+20+25 = 98
Cook County = 142  (Terrorism = 142)

These stories are terrorism for mothers who have children who play football.

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