Monday, February 20, 2017

74 88 187 | George Washington, the perfect name for a murderous President +Adolf Hitler parallels

Washington was born on the right day to be President.

2/22/1732 = 2+22+17+32 = 73 (United = 73)
2/22/1732 = 2+22+(1+7+3+2) = 37
2/22/1732 = 2+2+2+1+7+3+2 = 19
2/22/32 = 2+22+32 = 56 (President = 47/56/110)

He died at age 67.  Freemasonry = 67; Blood Sacrifice = 67

12/14/1799 = 12+14+17+99 = 142 (Forty-two = 142) (42nd State named after Washington)
12/14/1799 = 12+14+(1+7+9+9) = 52 (White House) (Government)
12/14/1799 = 1+2+1+4+1+7+9+9 = 34 (Murder)
12/14/99 = 12+14+99 = 125 (Hundred twenty five = 223)

Masonic = 74
Jewish = 74
Holiday = 74
Independence Day = 74
July 4, 7/4

8 represents the infinite loop of time
George Washington is immortalized in Washington D.C., Washington State, the President's Day holiday, and in the mountains of South Dakota.
*Trump = 88

Washington D.C. = 187
Adolf Hitler = 187
187, a homicide code.  George Washington is remembered for helping start an ongoing genocide of the Native people of North America.

Notice the Reduced and Reverse of 'President' and 'White House'.  Further, notice the parallel to 'Washington D.C'.  Keep in mind that 'President' sums to '61' in reduction with the s-exception.

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