Thursday, October 16, 2014

11 | Why the Royals Will Win the World Series

First, let me acknowledge that I was wrong about the World Series.  I thought the 110th World Series were signs of Washington D.C. series because the word President sums to 110 in Gematria.  In hindsight, that wasn't the best logic.  The state names Kentucky and Minnesota also sum to 110.  In other words, one could have argued that it was a sign the Twins were going to win it all.

In my defense, I will also acknowledge that both the Orioles and Nationals finished with 96 wins (something I said to lookout for before it happened), a number important to the Masons.
  • 31+32+33 = 96
  • 31-33 are ranging degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
  • Knowledge = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96
When both the Nationals and Orioles finished the regular season with 96 wins, I was really starting to 'believe' in my own prediction.  Perhaps even though they didn't win the World Series, them finishing with 96 wins in the Season of the 110th World Series was symbolic.

As for the 110th World Series, the number does have much to do with 11, as it has '11' numerology.  This '11' numerology ties directly to several teams, the Kansas City Royals are very much one of.  A week back I mentioned that perhaps a Missouri team would win the World Series of Major League Baseball this year for the same reason the Boston Red Sox won the World Series last year- because they had the 'biggest domestic story of the year' in their backyard.  This year one could argue that the events in Ferguson, Missouri have becomes that.  Last year it was the Boston Marathon Bombing... in year's past it has been hurricanes and bombings that have brought major success to the same regions the stories of tragedy occurred in.  In other words, a Royals or Cardinals World Series would fit the ongoing trend in major sports.

The reason I'm certain at this point it will be the Royals is because it has been 29-years since they were last in the Playoffs and won the World Series.  29 is the first number with a numerology of 11 after 11 because...
  • 29 = 2+9 = 11
  • 38 = 3+8 = 11
  • 47 = 4+7 = 11
  • 56 = 5+6 = 11
  • 65 = 6+5 = 11
  • 74 = 7+4 = 11
  • 83 = 8+3 = 11
  • 92 = 9+2 = 11
Plus, KC the acronym is quite special, and reminds of other major things such as 'Calvin Klein'.
  • K = 11
  • C = 3
  • KC = 113
    • 11-11-11
    • Think three elevens
In this year's coming World Series, I expect Eric Hosmer and Mike Moustakas to continue to play lights out, largely thanks to the fact that I think things are very much 'scripted' in their favor.
  • Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
  • Hosmer = 8+6+1+4+5+9 = 33
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • Moustakas = 4+6+3+1+2+1+2+1+1 = 21/3
    • Where have we seen these numbers before?
In the next three years, assuming MLB is still operating, I think we'll see a Mariners vs Nationals World Series.  Both teams have been acquiring many "33" pieces, so it can only be a matter of time.  They also happen to be the only two franchise that have never participated in the World Series.  In other pro sports first, I expect a Super Bowl win for the Eagles and Chip Kelly in the near future.  Also, if you haven't seen my Super Bowl picks for this year, which I made after the Week 3 games based on the numerology of that week, it is Lions and Colts.  In the case of the Lions, they'd be another 'first'.  What I'm saying is I see a trend of 'firsts' emerging, which traces back to the Seahawks first Super Bowl win in 2014.


  1. Zachary, what are your feelings on the Colts vs. Lions in the Superbowl at this time? Earlier I noticed you were heavily leaning towards the Colts over the Lions but here you mention that you see a pattern of firsts with the Seahawks which sounds like you may be thinking the Lions could win this coming Super bowl.

  2. I still think Colts over Lions, but even being in the Super Bowl would qualify as a first for the Lions. It would be their first NFC Championship. If it happens, it will come 33-years after Detroit hosted its first Super Bowl. Detroit was also the only team with 33:1 odds before the season.

  3. That makes sense. I went to Auburn and grew up in the South so football was always something I tracked as a kid and up until about 6 years ago. So to me it is interesting to know who is going to win and not even know the name of the main star players on the teams. So I'm following pro football this year only through your site. I'm going to have some fun with some of the sports addicts I know. It might be a good way to introduce people to this number system and how they are being manipulated by sports and tv and the news.

  4. I agree Michael. Out of curiosity, what made you 'quit sports' six years ago?

    1. Six years ago I realized that the media was serving up lies and I became obsessed with researching everything from peak oil, the Fed and all the topics eventually. So at first it was that which took up all my free time. At that time I just didn't care. After Cam Newton's season and Auburn winning the championship I had an empty feeling when it was over. I realized how trivial it all was and how it polarizes a population. College football in Alabama is a religion where the masses waste so much time and money for what turns out to be all for nothing even if your team wins it all. I have seen grown men turn into pouty babies when Alabama doesn't win every game.Around this time 2012 I also saw that the news, entertainment, sports, and a majority of organized religion was controlling and manipulative. At that point we got rid of all tv both cable and local.

      With all that said I do still play basketball. I am not against sports. I am against people being manipulated and wasting their lives on stuff that does not matter.

  5. Michael, you and I are one and the same. All I did was sports from playing to watching, until I realized I was living in a lie. Then I started spending more and more time finding out about the lie. Fast forward to a decade later...

  6. Yes, Zachary, we are quite similar. I've watched your videos and have noticed the same prior love of sports you possessed in the past. Looks like your interest now is mostly on anticipating the lies which is very intriguing to me.

    Here is what I see also in my community:
    There are too many grown men that are more obsessed with sports than anything else. I see now how pathetic that is. I was very obsessed with Football from 8-18, but in college I spent most of my time drinking and living a hedonistic life. Also, I ran away from my Catholic upbringing never to return and whenever I got the chance I would be sure to tell my Mom that the Catholic church was evil in many ways. To allow repeated child abuse by priests and to protect those priests and anyone that could not walk away from that religion based upon that reason alone is foolish. To provide money for and to acquiesce to a system that allows and protects child abuse is abhorrent.

    For those that continue to participate in it is proof that they do not have a clue nor acknowledge their conscience which should be telling them "hey! they are letting priests abuse children! RUN!" is crazy. Now I'm getting fired up...

    It takes some time to digest the amount of brainwashing we have been exposed to and for decades has warped our perceptions of reality. After that acknowledgment it is time to figure out the path forward towards truth.

    From what I've experienced there are only a few people really that want to know the truth. That is why so many people watch Alex Jones. He serves up the conspiracy theories similar to how the mass media serves up the nightly news. People want their religion packaged and authoritative just like people want their news packaged and authoritative. People want to know about a conspiracy theory and watch Alex Jones to tickle the ears. They dip their toe into half truths instead of further figuring things out on their own.

    And for me breaking through to finding truth for myself and discerning the difference between truth and lies has lead to some amazing discoveries especially concerning organized religion.

    I've tried to tell people of these things and in return I receive utter disbelief and blank stares in return. It is frustrating, but my job now is to speak the truth and lay it out there boldly.

  7. This is funny to me. I mentioned on I think October 16th at work to someone that the Royals are going to win the World series and he said something basebally why. I just said it doesn't matter the Royals are going to win. I have since had people telling me the Royals could pull it off without any recollection that I said based on your prediction that the Royals are going to win. People are so brainwashed and asleep they have no true decision thought process algorythm which is theirs alone. The masses must turn to their authorities the sports analysts and reporters.

  8. Michael, you are so right on it makes me sad. I wish it weren't true.
    Priest = 7+9+9+5+1+2 = 33
    Bishop = 2+9+1+8+6+7 = 33

  9. At this point I would be shocked if the Royals don't win.


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