Friday, October 10, 2014

33 47 74 96 | Susan G. Komen for the Cure (The Breast Cancer Conspiracy)

2015 will be the 33-year anniversary of Komen for the Cure
  • Susan = 1+3+1+1+5 = 11
  • G = 7
  • Komen = 2+6+4+5+5 = 22
  • for = 6+6+9 = 21
  • the = 2+8+5 = 15
  • Cure = 3+3+9+5 = 20
  • Susan G Komen for the Cure = 96
    • Freemason = 96
    • Knowledge = 96
    • Satanism = 96
There are few things that have annoyed me more in the post 9/11 era than "ribbons on bumpers"; from 'support the troops' to 'cancer awareness', they're empty gestures that truthfully work against the things they claim to 'support'.  Cancer is fought with diet and exercise, not pink colors and adhesives.  Troops are supported by being protected from unjust wars, which I don't see anyone doing with support our troops stickers on their cars.  Over the years, the people with the ribbon covered bumpers have been the mindless drones who have thought it is foul play to speak out against the injustices of these wars.
  • Ribbon = 9+9+2+2+6+5 = 33
When it comes to "breast cancer", ribbons are very much at large, especially pink ones, thanks to "Susan G. Komen for the Cure".  If you're not familiar with the organization, they're the world's largest breast cancer awareness organization.  Their foundation, is "all 33".  Let us examine.
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  • Goodman = 7+6+6+4+4+1+5 = 33
  • Susan = 1+3+1+1+5 = 11
  • Susan Goodman = 11+33 = 44
    • Susan Goodman Komen = 66
  • Cancer = 3+1+14+3+5+18 = 44
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • *Susan = 19+21+19+1+14 = 74
  • Cure = 3+21+18+5 = 47
  • Susan Goodman contracted breast cancer at the age of "33"
  • She died 3-years later...

Isn't it great? Even the breast cancer scientific advisor has a "33" name in "Winer". Komen also has "31" numerology, the foundational degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. From cancer, to AIDS, to Ebola... the beginning is all "33". This is further proof that it is all very deliberate.

Nancy Goodman Brinker has quite the name.
  • Nancy = 5+1+5+3+7 = 21 
  • Goodman = 7+6+6+4+4+1+5 = 33 
  • Brinker = 2+9+9+5+2+5+9 = 41 
  • Nancy Brinker = 62 (Mason = 62) 
  • Nancy Goodman Brinker = 95 
  • Alexine = 1+3+5+6+9+5+5 = 34
  • Clement = 3+3+5+4+5+5+2 = 27
  • Jackson = 1+1+3+2+1+6+5 = 19/28
  • Alexine Clement Jackson = 80/89
  • Liz = 3+9+8 = 20
  • Thompson = 2+8+6+4+7+1+6+5 = 39/48
  • Liz Thompson = 59/68
  • Dr. = 4+9 = 13
  • Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
  • P. = 7
  • Winer = 5+9+5+5+9 = 33
  • Eric Winer = 59 (Kill = 59 in JG)
  • Eric P. Winer = 66
  • Dr. Eric P. Winder = 79 (Murder = 79 in SEG)
That is nice that the Chief Scientific Advisor has Gematria conniptions to 59 and 79, numbers of kill and murder.  Notice that three of the four have connections to 5 and 9; Nancy, Liz and Eric.

All in all, very Masonic.

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