Wednesday, October 15, 2014

76 | Ebola Identified in 1976

Examine the Wikipedia excerpt above about Ebola.  Notice that the virus was discovered in the year '76, the number that corresponds with the name 'Knight of Templar' in Gematria.
  • Knight= 2+5+9+7+8+2 = 33
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • Templar = 2+5+4+7+3+1+9 = 31
  • Knight of Templar = 33+12+31 = 76
This means it has been '38' years since Ebola was identified.  The first patient in the United States to contract ebola was Nina Pham.
  • Nina = 14+9+14+1 = 38
  • Pham = 16+8+1+13 = 38
  • Nina Pham = 38+38 = 76


  1. Let's watch and see if the death rate for Ebola jumps to 76% Right now they are saying it is at 70% The number is already so close they won't be able to resist I bet.

  2. CNN is now starting to bring the fear factor in on this now: "Ebola concerns sweep across U.S."

    People will respond just as the news reports. And now Mark Zuckerberg has donated 25 million dollars for the development and research of a cure. Mark Zuckerberg the hero.

  3. Markets slammed by economic fears after U.S. data. Here comes the panic.

  4. Michael, Zachary,

    The way I am reading this, with my limited gematria vs straight up numerology knowledge, is that 77, 86, and 17 are huge for whatever reason.

    Michael if you aren't aware of it, as I wasn't until less than a week ago, there are gematria calculator websites out there that are super easy to use. I use this one,, but there are many to choose from.

    Ever since I landed on that jewel, I don't do any research until I have that website along with an anagram solution finder on my lower task bar. Every time I see a word or name that is a significant part of a story, I plug it into the Gematria calculator. If I see a strange sounding name or series of words, I plug them into the anagram solution finder. It only takes seconds once you start doing it regularly and in no time you will feel like the man, Zachary himself.

    I am shocked at what I have been finding. There is no way this is all a coincidence. I literally feel like I am playing a real life adventure game. It is not a whole lot different than playing the adventure game "Myst", except you aren't clicking on different contraptions, the contraptions are words. I am dead serious when I say that my obsession with those type games in my youth has really come in handy, only this time it is for real.

    I have so much info to share it is impossible to put it into one post. Zachary, if you see this, I sent you an email last week through one of your videos, did you get it ? I want to share some info with you and other like minded individuals and I don't know where to send it.

    Commenting in one of your videos, where you have gamblers that are looking no deeper than how to make quick money with your predictions, would be fruitless and threads like this one get buried so quickly that all conversation stops before it really gets started.

    Michael, I will be back later with more info if you show you are still active in this thread, otherwise I will not waste a bunch of time posting it. Maybe I will try again later in another thread that has activity.

    Also, My friend just called me and told me there are 2 or 3 FEMA tractor trailer rigs parked discreetly behind a warehouse about 5 miles from me. It could be something or it could be nothing, but the way he kept insisting that something didn't look right has me wanting to go take a look and get some pictures if they are still there.

    These are definitely some crazy times we are living in.

  5. Spectator, thank you for this post. I did not get your email. Please send to (without the ...). Also, sorry about burying the posts. As for 88, 17, 77....
    17 = Mason, God, Zeus, Ebola...
    77 = American Meridian, "Knights of Templar" the plural +1 from 76...
    86 = ....Are we getting 86'd from the nation? Hiroshima happened on 8/6. I think you saw my post on the topic of the term "86's" and how its origins trace back to the year '33.
    88 = Poison, program and more... but between those two, Ebola fits the bill.

    Please send your email again. I would love to see all of your research.

    1. Thanks Zachary,

      I have so many different pieces of the puzzle that feel so close to fitting that I think you or someone else that knows this stuff far better than myself might be able to make the appropriate sense from them.

      Just a bit more on this particular thread that you may have already picked up on. If you click on this link,

      there is a lot of red meat for the avid numerologist, not the least of which is the incorporation date of 2/8/1994 for Frontier Airlines. The gang (of 33) is definitely in the cockpit of this hoax.

      Also interesting is the name of the private equity group that purchased Frontier, The Indigo Partners.

      When breaking down Indigo and other words with gematria, I am still confused about which gematria to use and when and if it is OK to simplify some of the larger numbers. If you have a particular video that explains this, please direct me towards it.

      Indigo in Jewish gematria is 119, which has obvious relevance if applicable.

      In simple Gematria it is a 58, which can be reduced to a 40, which doesn't jump out at me because of my limited knowledge. I guess the 58 could be looked at as 13, which is embedded all over this particular event. Actually, I was thinking that maybe the number 76 was another version of 13 for no other reason than it is the sum of 7 and 6, any thoughts ?

      That brings us to English Gematria, which turned out to be kind of interesting. The big number turns out to be 348, which has no meaning to me what-so-ever without further research, but that number can be simplified to 9+3+6+9+6+9 which equals 42, which has more meanings than I care to research at this late hour.

      For me, the most interesting part of that last equation are the numbers that get you to 42. 9 3 6 9 6 9 looks awful familiar to me for some reason. It might be the repeating sequence of some math equation that I landed on while doing research or it might just be my obsession with the fact that Tesla said something along the lines of, "the numbers 3, 6 and 9 hold the secrets to the universe".

      At the very least, I believe that Indigo has significant esoteric meaning if nothing else.

      Tesla is the one guy that I am holding out hope that he wasn't a fraud like Einstein, Edison, etc. I really want to believe his story is real. If you are going to burst that bubble on me Zachary, please be gentle because pretty much all of the guys that I have reverred from the history books have turned out to have resumes' that were works of fiction, cleverly disguised as history books.

      I guess you and Michael are already aware of today's closing numbers for the DOW. I made a prediction for a couple of the fence sitters that I have been sharing this info with and those numbers were well representative the small selection of numbers I told them to expect. The .33 was the cherry on top. I think they might be on our side of the fence now.

      I will put my info in some emails that you should be receiving before the weekend is over. Sorting it all out by subject matter, so it isn't all disjointed and hard to follow will be tough but I will manage.

      Thanks again and Take Care.

  6. Great work spectator,
    I would recommend learning about the single digit values and their relevance in numerology; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
    4 = foundation
    The fourth book of the Bible is titled "Numbers".
    6 = Man
    7 = Complete
    4 7 could mean "complete foundation"
    6 7 could mean "complete man"
    76 = Knight of Templar
    Is a Knight of Templar the complete man?
    Perhaps I should do videos like this because I take for granted this simple knowledge that has magnificent meaning.

  7. Whoa.... the post I did months ago on Nikola Tesla is nowhere on my blog.... I've never noticed this problem before. It isn't even in my draft copies. And yes, sorry to say, Tesla is part of it. I actually did one of my longer posts on him once upon a time, and it is completely gone. I'm now wondering what other posts are missing...

  8. Nikola = 14+9+11+15+12+1 = 62
    Tesla = 20+5+19+12+1 = 57
    Nikola Tesla = 119
    Also that 62 is curious, because it has the same numbers as 26, and also because words such as "think" sum to 62.
    Think = 20+8+9+14+11 = 62

  9. 3 6 and 9 have much to do with vortex math, and some are speculating that vortex math might be "the magic" behind the building of the pyramids. I haven't spent enough time on it to speak much, but the information is out there.

    1. Thanks for the info Zachary and it's a damn shame about Tesla.

      If every one of these inventor type geniuses are being fed their technology from another source, much like the early Rock N Roll bands, we are only left with a couple of plausible explanations.

      One of of them is straight out of a science fiction novel and the other is straight out of a horror story. I am not sure which one I prefer, but I am strongly leaning to one of them and some of that info will be included in the emails that I am anxious for you to look at.

      One thing is for sure, the rabbit hole is not a hole at all. It is just an entrance into a canyon with lots of long dark tunnels that lead to more canyons with long dark tunnels.

      I have spent a lot of time down there and I know my way around pretty well, but there are still many tunnels I haven't had a chance to go into yet, but they are definitely on my bucket list. LOL


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