Thursday, June 4, 2015

74 | Gospel Gematria (And another strange life occurrence)

Notice that Gospel sums to 74 in Simple English Gematria, like the following words:
  • Jesus
  • Cross
  • Y'Shua
  • Joshua (English translation of Jesus)
  • Muhammad
  • Messiah
  • Pinnacle
  • Simple
  • English
  • Gematria
  • Masonic
  • Lucifer
  • Oregon (33rd State, Only State with Gematria of 74)
From the table list above showing Jewish, English and Simple English Gematria, notice that the 33rd State, Oregon, sums to 74- it is the only state that sums to 74.

A weird fact about me, I moved to 232nd Street on January 13th, a Friday the 13th, in a rare snowy patch, before I knew a thing about Gematria or Numerology.  The thing that stood out to me about the house, was the town's strange name, 'Bothell'.  This house has been quite the life changer as it has turned out.  Also, I was born and lived the first part of my life in Oregon, the state mentioned prior.  I was in this house when Gematria, the practice of coding numbers into words, dawned on me.

Speaking of Gematria, did I mention what Bothell sums to?
  • Bothell = 2+15+20+8+5+12+12 = 74
Did I mention my whole life people have called me Joshua by accident? =)  Did I mention my whole life I have had girls with the number 47 attached to me.  As it happens, even in Kindergarten, where I was once punished by having to sit in a corner for probably two hours because I kissed a classmate, Christina, on the lips, just like I saw in the movies.
  • Christina = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+5+1 = 47
  • And for many years since...

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