Monday, June 1, 2015

Linus Pauling, Vitamin C and Cancer

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1 comment:

  1. A few years ago my wife struggled with gallstones. In the process of going to the doctor to see what was wrong with her, (she had a fever on and off for a couple years among other symptoms) it was discovered that she had hundreds of gallstones and they told her she needed her gallbladder out because who needs that organ? We need it to aid in proper digestion. So my wife started a focused effort to rid herself of the gallstones of which she was successful. In that process we learned a lot about how the use of very inexpensive things could keep one out of chronic health issues such as cancer and internal issues caused by the terrible western diet we collectively consume. That along with the medications we take that cause digestion issues. For example any woman that has taken birth control is going to have issues with digestion because endogenous HCL drops significantly with age and birth control pills in women (probably in men too but we don't usually take those pills). There are accounts of many people with cancer having the cancer cells disappear with high doses of vitamin C. Typically you also want to eat a diet that is devoid of sugars especially processed sugars, breads, and rice. The Gershon method is excellent and when you cleanse out your colon with organic coffee enemas after you've been detoxing your body for a few days you will improve your health short term and long term. I believe cancer can be cured with a combination of these types of efforts and perhaps with high doses of vitamin C alone.

    Anyone that wants to stay away from doctors and have an environment in their body for health should look into the following items:

    Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) - it is dirt cheap and is mostly silicone which your body needs. I personally can feel it when I take it in an energizing kind of way and when used externally on a burn or deep scrape it keeps scarring from happening and heals the wound super fast.

    HCL - another dirt cheap supplement for those that suffer from digestion issues.

    Organic Coffee Enemas

    Stop taking all pharmaceuticals if possible.


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