Tuesday, November 17, 2015

19 37 44 64 322 | November 18, 2015 Date Numerology, the 322nd Day of the Year

11/18/2015 = 11+18+20+15 = 64
11/18/2015 = 11+18+(2+0+1+5) = 37
11/18/2015 = 1+1+1+8+2+0+1+5 = 19
11/18/15 = 11+18+15 = 44

That 43 number tends to show up in tragedy as well, recall Massacre has a gematria of 43.


  1. Good looking out. I put tomorrow's date #'s in the Don Vito Comment section but accidently wrote the Nov. 19th instead of 18th. I think The Economist Magazine cover was a warning of what is occurring now 11.3 & 11.5. If you Gematria (pythag.) the word "point" like the point mark between 11 & 3 and that 11 & 5. You would get.

    Point = 29 11/ 18 (11+18=29)

    Decimal Point = 58 (shooting hoaxes favorite #)

    It's a stretch but it could be a warning for something tomorrow.

  2. Saint-Denis, France at 4:30 am, Police raid on Paris Attack suspects. Apparently one suspect was shot by a sniper and also a woman blew herself up with another one of these suicide vests/belts. The response team on site wore SAMU 93 on their clothing.

  3. "Le Carillon" in the English Sumerian system equals 606

    "Le Carillon" in the English Ordinal system equals 101

    "Le Carillon" in the English Gematria system equals 308

    "Le Carillon" in the English Reduction system equals 47


    "The killers had emptied 11 magazines, firing an estimated 330 rounds. "


    1. More,

      "At 9.40pm, the third group (believed to be three men and a woman) armed with AK-47s stormed the Bataclan music hall and began shooting members of the crowd. Survivors claim three blew themselves up and a fourth person was shot dead by police before they could detonate their bomb."

      Luvox was a drug prescribed to Eric Harris, an inorganic Columbine villain;

      "Luvox " in the English Ordinal system equals 94

      Eric Harris's favourite band and video game:

      Doom = 47
      KMFDM = 47

    2. “Hostages killed ‘one-by-one’ at Bataclan theatre.”
      "By 2011, One by One had sold 1.333 million units in North America"

  5. Oh dear!
    It was posted yesterday and I only went into it today:
    My New Taki's Column: "Four Ways to Save Europe"

    Steve Sailer
    • November 17, 2015
    • 300 Words 22 Comments"


    1. Meant to link to it:

  6. Zach, sorry for spamming your blog with stuff and for going on about Columbine:

    The Dunblane massacre of 1996 had a report in 1999 by a Lord CULLEN.
    The Columbine massacre of 1999 got its definitive account by Dave CULLEN in 2009.
    Dave Cullen had previously contributed to the New York Times; Salon.com; Slate.com.
    All of these are Jewish-controlled publications pushing aspects of their tribal agenda.
    I believe that certain Jews chose good goy Dave Cullen to bed in an approved Columbine narrative – ten years later - and to soften up and predictively programme Americans for the fake shootings that would punctuate Obama’s tenure.
    The film April Showers was also released in 2009, on 24th April which was the 114th day of the year:
    The shooter in the film is named Benjamin Harris or “Ben Harris”;
    The film is 94 minutes long;
    94 minutes = 5,640 seconds long;
    "Ben Harris" in the English Ordinal system equals 94
    "Ben Harris" in the English Sumerian system equals 564
    Luvox = 94
    There does seem to be coding of 47 (“Doom”, “KMFDM”) and 94 as well as 168 and 114 in Columbine and related psy ops.

    1. Awesome work
      C = 3
      U = 21 = 3
      L = 12 = 3
      L = 12 = 3
      E = 5
      N = 14 = 5
      That's a lot of 3....

  7. Cnn just now had "Help Desk" in quotes which equals 480.

  8. this all started @ 4:30 Am Paris time. That 43 !? Zach called that one


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