I'm thinking more and more about the symmetry of planned Presidential assassinations in the history of this country and the coming, scripted assassination of Barack Hussein Obama.
From the death of the first President to die while in Office, the first Whig, ninth President, Williams Henry Harrison, up until March 15, 2015, the 74th day of the year, is a span of 173-years, 11 months and 11 days. What is interesting about the number 173, is that it too has a numerology of 11 (1+7+3 = 11).
- 173 years = 1+7+3 = 11
- 11 months
- 11 days
- 11-11-11 = 11+11+11 = 33
- 3/15/15 = 3+15+15 = 33
From April 4, 1841 to April 4, 2015, is a span of 174-years. On this coming date, the third of four Blood Moons will occur in the current Tetrad taking place in 2013 and '14. April 4 is a date known for assassination, and of course the date that the first President to die in office died. It is also the date MLK Jr. was assassinated, a year to the day of coming out against the War in Vietnam.