Sunday, November 2, 2014

33 133 | Antares Rocket, the 133-Foot Firework

  • Antares = 1+5+2+1+9+5+10 = 33
  • Antares = 1+14+20+1+18+5+19 = 78
  • 133-feet
  • 110 in the name...
  • 3.9 m diameter, aka 13 feet
I wonder why this thing blew up in the sky in a made for TV spectacle.

1 comment:

  1. Zachary, keep bumping this post to the top until plenty of eyes have seen it. I know the info I dumped on you last night was sudden and a little disjointed, but that's how things have been coming to me lately, and last night, this came to me in one huge wave, the likes that I have not experienced yet and none of the mainstream voices on the internet seem willing to touch it for whatever reason and they don't even respond back which is even stranger. It definitely has me questioning whether they are just Gatekeepers, in the mold of Alex Jones, only disguising themselves as the faces and voices of our cause.This might make you our only hope to get the truth out.

    For any of you just reading this, pull up the best video you can find of the explosion and watch it very carefully, from beginning to end end and compare it to the many pictures in the link I will provide.

    Towards the end of the the explosion, 2 large orange balls will look like they are coming straight at you, with the one on the the left becoming the flaming, right eye of Taurus the bull. There is only one frame where you can see all the details, including the white horn on the side of his head, so keep playing with it until you land on that particular frame, and if the videos haven't been altered yet, you will clearly see what I am describing.

    A phone may not achieve the desired results so use a laptop or desktop if possible, it is well worth your trouble if you are interested in the truth.

    This entire event was nothing but a giant ritual, with the Bull representing the many names and faces of BAAL. Check out the little figurines of BAAL in the link, with the long, rod shaped, top piece to his head wear. This is represented at the beginning of the explosion, with the rocket becoming this rod shaped protuberance. There will be no mistaking it when you see it.

    There is so much more to add and I will gladly do that if your eyes will allow you to see what I have seen and you would like to know more about all of the connecting pieces that are embedded into the events of the last week or two. It all ties together with a not so pretty bow on top.

    If this link doesn't work, Google - Baal - Then go to the first link that is showing images. That should get you there. Good luck


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