Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Truthseeker Network Revolution | Donation Page & Video ($14,000+ donated so far!)

Update:  The campaign will continue through April!

To donate, please use the link as follows:

The revolution is on.

This fundraiser is to build an application to organize the truthseekers worldwide.  Please contribute what we can so we can take this world back faster than we think.


  1. Zach,

    I've been looking into Ryan Dunn's supposed death and found some interesting numbers. (I've sent you this information over Facebook with screenshots of the gematria calculator etc as you present it if youd like to share it).

    Ryan Dunn (in ordinal) = 111
    Ryan Dunn (in sumerian) = 666

    Porsche 911 GT3 (The car he crashed in) (in ordinal) = 111
    Porsche 911 GT3 (in sumerian) = 666

    Illusion (in ordinal) = 111
    Illusion (in sumerian) = 666

    He died on June 20, 2011 at around *3:30*am (33, same time as Paul Walker - beyond a joke)

    June 20, 2011 = 6 + 20 + 11 = 37 (13th Prime)

    666 Connection:
    6 + 6 + 6 = 18
    18 x 37 = 666

    Travelling at approximately 130 mph (13 nod)

    Ryan Matthew Dunn (in reduction) = 66
    Alcohol (in ordinal) = 66
    Dead Now (in ordinal) = 66

    Born June 11, 1977
    6 + 11 + 19 + 77 = 113
    (Same birth numerology as Paul Walker)

    Dishonest (in ordinal) = 113
    Mainstream (in ordinal) = 113
    Automobile (in ordinal) = 113

    Would love to hear back from you man, stay strong. Peace

    1. folks....don't be a cheap bastard if you watch Zacks channel and believe in his work make any kind of donation.

    2. im waiting on my pay pal card to make my first donation... lets support the work..

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. lmao wait whaaaaaaaaaat detroit redwings will win 2017 stanley cup? i am die hard wings fan and that is just buffoonery! are u smocking something good?

  2. The Jackass show had the skull logo with crutches like the skull and bones logo.
    The skull and bones number is 322.
    Ryan Dunn died on Route 322.

  3. Donated! Your already almost at $600



    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Zach. I wanted to write this on a post that doesn't have many comments so that you'll see this. But... the colts are 10-12 since deflate gate and the patriots are 18-6. The colts go 10-12 on 112th day before the Super Bowl, wow

    1. Donation made to your cause. Great pick on Cubs. Thanks.

    2. just donated 20 minutes a go lovesdoggs58 more will be donated soon

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I need to rip the duct tape off my mouth at this point!!!
    You people who look to Zach's YouTube channel and blog to profit on sports games are missing the point. He is trying to perform cataract surgery so you can recognize the true reality.

    Every f*cking thing is rigged! You seek out his counsel like he's your bookie. His work is about peeling off the layers of lies.

    1. Cheryl, some people will never get it.

    2. no i get it ...i understand this isnt about gambling and i know this isnt the angle your trying to prove but theres only 32000 fallers on here and and i would guess probaly over 32 million people watched or participated in the nfl games on sunday...people are so convinced in the lies that your a outcast for even trying to suggest its rigged...i just dont see how else to stop it without taking there money ...but your work is insane zach and i love what you do it just seems to tough to try and change the fake system they have created...

    3. Well said buddy. These people on here that say its immoral to profit are full of shit. The system has been screwing us our whole lives, why shouldn't we start doing some screwing, doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up but so many not ready to be unplugged from the matrix.

    4. Argue for your limitations and they are YOURS

    5. @Peter, love that book. Another quote I like, 'Don't laugh on the way to your execution, people might think your crazy.'

    6. I couldn't agree with you more Cheryl.

    7. Thank you timishere1925. I thought to delete the post because it's really not like me to swear and rant. It was just so disappointing to see Zach not get the response to his work that he deserves. And yes, outside of the sports arena. I have learned so much from this young man who is twenty years my junior that it's ridiculous. Viewers of his videos and readers of his blog should learn to get past their preconceived notions on how they view the world (because we have been forced fed lies) and look deeper. It has been hard for me and that old adage "the truth shall set you free" is BS. It weighs heavy on my mind and spirit that so much of what I considered fact, were fabricated stories to manipulate the masses. I thank Zach and all those who comment towards enlightening others.

      P.S. I don't have an issue with gambling and profiting from the rigged system. Lemons = lemonade

    8. This information is out there for everyone, any publicity is good publicity, it's all exposure...

  6. Donated. Sorry i couldnt do more. I will send more once i get my paycheck this week

    1. $1 is more than enough, thank you friend!

    2. Zach, do you have stats for your blog, i.e how many regulars you have using this site?

  7. Shut up Cherly and put the duck tape back ober your mouth. Aint nobody missing no damn point. But if he can decode games, then why the heck would someone not profit from it ? The same if he could decode the jackpot slot machine or the winning lottery numbers, only the fool wouldnt bet when you know for a fact you are going to win. So shut it up

    1. Sorry BowlingAddict, but the lottery is rigged too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Have you seen the latest executive order by Obama? It's on the website: Check it out. What do you all think about this?

    1. More gibberish organizations to funnel our money through...funny how "space weather" is something that we need to be concerned with, WTF, sounds like we have an "asteroid hoax" coming soon to a town near you!

      "Asteroid hoax" in the English Reduction system equals 58

      "Asteroid hoax" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

    2. Perhaps, they're planning for a supposed solar flare disruption but only as a cover for a deliberate EMP attack!

    3. Supposedly Trump knows about a possible EMP attack that's imminent.

  9. Looks like I finished my solar generator just in time!

    Check this guy's solar generator, it's easy and inexpensive to build, under $150

  10. Have you seen Peter Klein's work on Tyranny News Network? He does a series on youtube called "FIX THE MEDIA". He is also the co-producer of the documentary: "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook". His heart seems to be in the right place like yours.

    Also, both of your messages are similar or at least going in similar directions. Like you said, we need a critical mass and networking with Peter Klein potentially could make great things happen.

    1. I am subbed, but I am not that crazy about his work. He doesn't seem to get it, like almost everyone else.

    2. Thanks for responding! Love your work. I understand. Just trying to be a part of the conversation. It's a great conversation to be in. Thanks for all that you do. Take care.

    3. Gary, you looked good behind "The Donald". How'd you get that spot on TV? It didn't have anything to do with the '33' tattooed on your arm, did it?

    4. And Gary, your World Series pick Boston, they didn't make it. My Cubs pick, it is still alive, in the World Series. Last year in Spring I called Mets in the World Series, got that too. So who is the fraud?

  11. Minimum is $5 bucks. Just saying. Still worth it.

  12. Minimum is $5 bucks. Just saying. Still worth it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Just donated. I have nothing but high hopes for this project. Great idea, Zach! If there is any way we can help, please let us know. Can't wait til your show tonight. My plan is to call next week. I too have started a blog, but my job is interfering with the whole process due to time constraints. Take care. Stay safe. And as always, Thank you.

    1. Awesome Elliot, keep up the great work! Thank you for the support!

    2. after the CUBS lose - I am going for U ZACH -- I got info about U other don't know -- its going all over the NET FRAUD

      How about them CUBS lol

    3. Cubs aren't looking too bad. I can't wait to see what you got on me!

    4. How about them CUBS now Gary, lol

  15. One of our local sports channels is replaying the Richmond / Villanova football game. In the opening sequence the announcing team emphasized Villanova is averaging 35 points a game. Catholic = 35. Another point was the Villanova coach is retiring after 33 years as head coach.

    Scripted to the point.

    No offense from either the Red Sox or Blue Jays. Not possible.

  16. She just said 33000 people die a year from guns. Lol Hillary.

  17. lol CNN

    41 + 46 = 87 like Clinton

  18. Give us the logistics. Live streaming? You tube videos? What?

  19. Waiting for my paycheck till friday Zach.

  20. October 18th LeBron James scored 18 in a cavaliers loss to Washington, ironically the cavs played in Columbus Ohio instead of Cleveland. Paying homage to Christopher Columbus...the even stranger part was that the combined score 96 +91= 187 look into it

  21. October 18th LeBron James scored 18 in a cavaliers loss to Washington, ironically the cavs played in Columbus Ohio instead of Cleveland. Paying homage to Christopher Columbus...the even stranger part was that the combined score 96 +91= 187 look into it

  22. Glad you have provided an avenue where we can at least contribute. Thank you for what you do!

  23. I donated Zach. I will do it again if you need me to.

  24. @Zack *****

    How true are these potential WW3 / Russia conflict tumors ?? Statements I have read with potential war being started before the election

    1. So 33k eh? 1013$ raised so far, just like 113. Are you mocking us with those numbers Zach?

    2. @unknown, chill I said something like that and got attacked lol

  25. Hope the trip comes soon Zach, I'll definitely join in for a weekend/week in DC, will be good to go to the center of corruption and hopefully wake up some sheeple.

    1. Thank you for that! Everyone's participation is what is most important.

    2. If you want to find the centre of corruption, go to the Rockefeller's crib!!!

  26. I appreciate you saying this. My girlfriend actually lectured me last night that this is proof people don't really care, and most people just follow my work for entertainment, to cure boredom or gambling. Last night she was telling me this should be proof that I need to move on, because I've already put in three years and in truth, there isn't really that much to show for it, with exactly what you're saying be the concrete evidence.

  27. I'm sorry you feel that way, you can't feel defeated though. All we need is enough Truthseekers to organize something. I would not look at that as nothing to show for it after 3 years. You have a lot to show for it, you have many people that are on board with your message. There are many who are still in limbo though. With the right people in the right locations we can organize. We can start to spread the word at a faster pace now, maybe this is what your message needed, for us to get together and unite so we can take some of that burden from you and help spread the message. As your caller last night said, as long as you continue to spread this message, I will continue to back you.

    1. Thanks, I can't cower. I refuse to cower. I will continue to support your mission. Do all I can to help spread the knowledge, continue to donate each week, I will make the 5.5 hr ride to DC.

      And to those Truthseekers who have yet to donate...know that this movement is being watched and let's not give them any reason to think we are weak minded people with weak support. Don't give them a reason to laugh at us...

      DONATE & GO TO DC!!!

  28. why do you have to raise 33,000 is this a tribute to the masons because that's the number of freemasons I though you was against them, I like the way you expose things but isn't it ironic how you say they give clues in plain sight about what they do but yet you are raising 33,000. I find that suspect and think there is something more to this, but keep up the great work I will continue to follow

    1. I Did Homeboy, before you try and educate someone check your grammar, and since you know so much please explain why he picked that number.

    2. And it's Turd, Turd Ferguson to you! Not homeboy

    3. Yea, we don't need to fight. The reason I used $33,000 was to raise awareness for the number, and how it is used against us. Plus, it will only take $33k to crush their trillion dollar empire in time, that's the goal. Justice = 33
      If you follow my work, you should know what I say, all of these numbers have dualistic meaning. They're not all bad. So let's use their numbers right back at them. People don't see how they're being mocked by "33" nearly every single day of their life. They need to.

    4. I believe in your work and what you believe in,I also try to spread the word to family and friends even though they argue also I see your reasoning behind the number bro so keep up the great work.

    5. Thanks for explaining that Zach, I too was curious about why you used that dollar amount as the goal.

    6. You are welcome, and thank you for spreading the message, that's the most important thing you can do!

    7. That is a messed up way to look at 33 the fake stamped number, Zach your fucking everything up bro. Gotta change that number. 33 is the number of false, Truth was taught that

  29. Grammar? Are you educating our youth?? Cause I saw your grammar and that's what led me to believe grammar didn't matter to you on here....and how bout you find out for yourself why he did some actual "following" I don't need to know why he did it. Your the one with that question, for which he's spoke of more than once's my grammar here, bozo!

    1. shutup cunt your grammar is fucking terrible who appointed you the fucking blog police

  30. you know my grammar is fine you are just mad that im coming at your boys neck. do you really think it takes 33,0000 dollars to build a social network. if you think so then ok but I will continue to listen to what he has to say about everyday events.

    1. Any extra money will be used to further the movement, it will not be wasted or spent on me. This money is not for me.

  31. I have half a dozen Millionaires in my Family whom I have a Supposed great relationship with. Yet I can hardly Feed Myself and Pay for Internet. So in my head asking for $33,000 from a bunch of strangers on the Internet seems laughable.

    1. What have you done for anyone though? Your words often expose poor reasoning and logic skills. How many people do you know that have essentially given up three years of their life, working every single day? These are also the prime years of my life.

    2. More Poor Reasoning and Logic.

      Hubbard Psychological Operations " in the English Ordinal system equals 333

      Hubbard Psychological Operations " in the English Reduction system equals 144

      333-144= .. 189 ..

      Free to Find Truth" in the English Ordinal system equals 189

      Cop Informant" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

      Internet Informant" in the English Reduction system equals 89

      Zachary Keefe Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 89

    3. Zachary Keefe Hubbard Mason" in the English Reduction system equals 106 / 115

      Psychological Operations " in the English Reduction system equals 115 / 133

      Blog Spot" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

      Truth Blog Spot" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    4. Victim Mentality? Revert to your last writing where you cry that these people owe you money because you've given up so much. You are only blowing your cover by not having killed me earlier. What Gives?

    5. Victim" in the English Reduction system equals 31

      Mentality" in the English Reduction system equals 38

      Mentality" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

      Death Threat" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    6. What is your motive to be here? Why are you always attacking? I am trying to help people. If my work angers you, if you distrust me, move on.

    7. Listen CoCa85 if you have a problem then refute all the predictions he's made from way in the past to come true? No one in the world probably has the record he has. And what about the Cubs he predicted would win the world series at spring training and now look where they are. And so you know all scientific theories are validated by making predictions off their models like Zach does. Its called model theory and his model is gematria and it works way beyond the odds. Get a clue or leave!

    8. Man this coco guy has got some nerve. Its not just a bunch of strangers on the internet. That's your logic? Zach's had how many weeks of radio talkshows where people call from all over the country. And the world. He's gotten e-mails and calls from people. And how many people spend hours on Zach's channel and the blog and doing this themselves now? Quit obviously they take it seriously! Why? Cause the NWO affects us all and if you do anything to try to stop our movement I'll make an example out of you for the rest of the people. Maybe you'd be better off trying to learn something and ask questions instead of spouting your opinion. And you have half a dozen millioniars in your family? You just gave yourself away. If you have like you say a good relationship with them you would have no problem with bills guaranteed. I know people who do fine with bills that make way less than that. You sound like an arrogant idiot who should just stop. Wow! Dumb! They wouldn't give you 10K or 5K? And they are millionaires? Just STFU


    9. Name: Zachary Keefe Hubbard
      Country: USA
      State: WA
      City: Seattle
      Address: 211 Valley ST
      Age: 33
      Phone Number: 206-397-3414
      Date of Birth: July 21, 1983
      Education: Sonoma State University and Linfield College
      Employment: Sand Canyon Cyclery and Napa United Soccer Association
      Relatives: Donna Hubbard, 1952, relative
      Don Hubbard, 1946-02, associate
      Lisa Hubbard, 1974, relative
      M Hubbard, 1952-11, relative
      Thomas Hubbard, 1969-11-17, associate
      Social Media Accounts:


    10. Name: Zachary Keefe Hubbard
      Country: USA
      State: WA
      City: Seattle
      Address: 211 Valley ST
      Age: 33
      Phone Number: 206-397-3414
      Date of Birth: July 21, 1983
      Education: Sonoma State University and Linfield College
      Employment: Sand Canyon Cyclery and Napa United Soccer Association
      Relatives: Donna Hubbard, 1952, relative
      Don Hubbard, 1946-02, associate
      Lisa Hubbard, 1974, relative
      M Hubbard, 1952-11, relative
      Thomas Hubbard, 1969-11-17, associate
      Social Media Accounts:

    11. Hi everyone I'm new to Zach's work but very interested. However I am skeptical. (That should be no surprise, we're all skeptics here and we all know to question other people's claims!)

      Specifically, I am skeptical that gematria has any ability to predict future events.

      Luke Skywalker says, "all scientific theories are validated by making predictions off their models like Zach does. Its called model theory and his model is gematria and it works way beyond the odds."

      Has anyone actually verified that? Like pulled together a list of Zach's predictions to see whether he does indeed beat the odds? Sorry but I'm not willing to take his word for it, I would like to see a statistical argument. Since everyone here is convinced that Zach has a reliable track record, I'm guessing someone has done the math to show his predictions beat the odds. Is there is a Google Doc or something with that data somewhere?


  32. Zach, you have earned the right to ask for help. Through your tireless efforts, support of others and courage you have proven that you will be a good steward of funds.

  33. I'll donate tomorrow. Just wanted to point out that you have made many people money by them betting on your picks. We should have no problem giving you back money.

  34. Zach you might consider making the sports info a newsletter that people have to pay for, and use that money to fund the real work. Regrettably, that is by far your most popular format. Your girlfriend sounds like mine.

  35. It's ok to take the foot off the pedal and coast for a while. Keep the relationships, you've done a lot. The 'other side' has been at it for a bit longer, faithful in little, faithful in much. Rust never sleeps, but it's not in a hurry either. Don't burn out. Just my 2 cents of advice as I drive down the Interstate of Life at mile marker 61, with many miles to go. (I hope!)

  36. Do we get a white sheet in our KKK gift bag?

  37. Or do we get a copy of MeinKempf, which one ZackIhaveAJewName?

    1. I'll make sure you get the hood and book if those things are important to you...look forward to your donation and support in DC

  38. zach you should sell your pics..i know your thoughts on gambling said it your self we all have to live and have bills, even a small amount would help you make the nut every month and besides why would you decode all these gsmes for free? there was over 2 billion dollars bet on the sb last year it well never stop people well always gamble... so take a small piece of that seems adequate for your time...and really why shouldnt you get paid ? i know dometimes your not sure of the winners but you could headline that you well return the money if your wrong...i dont know just some thoughts...i certainly wouldnt give my talent away for free...take care...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Zach, I really applaud you for taking the initiative and creating things into reality. I would love to help and I am on the Eastside.
    Do you have public email I can have to reach out to you in-regards to helping? LMK :)

  41. *** TRUTHSEEKERS ***

    I think we should post locations and emails so that we can start to organize car pooling to DC, maybe sharing some expenses for those that are going or just want to connect with those TSs nearby...

    Connecticut...bobg754 @ Hotmail

    1. I'm driving from Minnesota as soon as I know Zach has confirmed he's going or has left or leaving. So I don't know if anyone is in my area in Rochester, MN. If they are I'd take them. Otherwise I just need to find people when I get there or know where to go once I'm in D.C.

    2. my email as an official truth seeker of the truth movement for the revolution is:

  42. Rick Godley is right. Take some time off if you feel the need. Don't burn your yourself out.

  43. Zach, regardless of how much is donated, I know for a fact you have made a huge difference in the world with the work you have done. The callers in to your radio show are proof of that, as am I. I spread this knowledge as often as I can, and I routinely blow peoples' minds.

    There is plenty to show for it. Thanks to you, the truth about gematria and our coded rigged reality is OUT THERE and it will never be going away. The cat is out of the bag!
    The "Truth Community" or whatever you want to call it will forever be enriched by this knowledge, which is undeniable, and puts to rest so many false trails, disinformation, and rabbit holes that people get stuck on.

    Sorry your girlfriend can't see how much of an effect you have had.

  44. Chipped in $33 bucks...will send more when I can. Hopefully if you keep talking about this on your radio shows donations will pick up...wish I could do more. It's very difficult to spend as much time as I want working on research and so forth, when I have 2 little ones to raise...and I take that job very seriously! But I am hoping that more mom's like myself will wake the hell up and start fighting for a better world for their kids. I'm trying...but people are really in a coma asleep. We are fighting a hard battle.

    1. Thank you friend, you donated $32 more dollars than you needed to. I appreciate it! And I hope other people do their job so you don't have to send more.

  45. Zach make it to D.C.! make it to D.C.! make it to D.C.! don't let any of the critics or haters on here stop you (most people support you but for the few ignorant and this movement is for their good to unless they are insiders) I"m trying to give you all the moral support I can cause I'm not rich but I still have some to give if people hold up on you. Lets get this going. A chain reaction that once started like dominoes or kindling the fire or atoms in a nuclear bomb that once begin to react its unstoppable, uncontrollable and un-containable. We oppose the shadow government at all costs for the greater good you are the main spokesman who got this thing going you are the man to keep it going lets go! I'm hyper-pumped for this show to get on the road literally! Be a force in D.C. There's plenty of people when this thing grows to be your security. We will fucking take these assholes down. These Freemasons. Expose this thing with all the numbers you know. When this makes national news and you get hundreds of thousands of views who can stop us? Let us tear down there empire with your leadership. Let us rise up and take our land back for the good of the people and for the TRUTH!

    1. Thank you very much friend, I've been feeling your support!

  46. Knowledge makes man unfit to be a slave-Fredrick Douglas

  47. donation made how about some good pics for the weekend lol....i know i know ....

  48. As far as a networking app, why not start with You can create a group free for the first month and $9.99 per month thereafter. That is a very small investment. Here is the link:

    1. I just went onto the Apple App Store and read that had a recent bug update (10/12) that users are unhappy with. Hipefully the developers will read the user comments and fix their issues. Give them some time... It really was a great app for finding local activities and groups.

  49. I can donate but I don't donate to banks and credit cards,lol, so I need another avenue. Thanks for all your work I have learned lots and try to spread the info whenever I can. When trying to convince others how numbers are important and used I always quote you, "apparently plane 77 hit the 77 ft tall pentagon, on the 77th meridian, 77 minutes after take off...", that makes them stop and think.

    1. I asked Zach about opening a P.O. box and either sending an ounce of silver every month/money order.

    2. I will open a P.O. Box and let everyone know what the address is, thank you for this tip. And Wendy, I don't like banks either, but for something such as this it makes the process quick.

  50. *** TRUTHSEEKERS ***

    We're on pace for the $33,000. We can't let up.

    Those who haven't donated, need to!
    Those who have donated, need to donate again!

    We need to show Zack and most importantly, the powers that be, that we give a shit.

    Continue to donate and let's get this shit rolling!

    We have a few things going for us that the powers that be dont...


    and one thing they don't have...


    1. Thanks again brother, I appreciate your support!

    2. Hey Zach you may not know anything on the topic but maybe you do and it has to do with the medical system and testing your medical knowledge and its a serious dilemma in my family so with all the knowledge shared by everyone on this channel someone may have some expertise here and maybe you do I don't know. But I consider us truth seekers a family/community so I'm sharing this story that is currently affecting my oldest brother and his newborn and he doesn't always trust doctors if you know what I mean-like the establishment who are looking for money. So anyway I shared it below in the comments section a long post with the details and just shared it.

  51. Homeboy zach has called Super Bowl 50 NBA finals 2016 pretty much college championship and more with the magnet tribute at the end and now Cubs and a whole shit load in between with Prince he even told Prince " Prince better watch his ass" Point is he should have 33,000k + I'm donating every week until goal is reached and so should everybody else zach already spits out all this knowlege we should even cover some of his monthly expense he's that legit .but whatever that's all I'll say

  52. Just donated 50 on the 22nd. I'll donate another 50 or 100 if needed.
    But I have a request for anyone on this page for their knowledge if they may know anything. And since this truth community is a family and we should always be looking to share and expand knowledge amongst each other. That is how we can undermine the current academia machine at work that conceals or ignores other knowledge outside of them and makes all the money. And here' why I bring that up. Quit serious actually:

    I'm only 21 but my oldest brother who is now 30 just on 10/21 has his first baby and that just made me an Uncle. But there was a problem so this will test anyone's medical experience/knowledge among us truth seekers. My brother and his wife not long after it was born had to take it back to the hospital because it was showing symptoms such as coughing up green stuff. And it was because it had what it either called intestinal malrotation or fetal bowel obstruction. And he is in a state of limbo in what decideding to do because what those terms above mean is that the babies small intestine was twisted and contorted the wrong way and this happened as it grew in the womb. This causes the small intestine to pinch and cut off circulation of blood and oxygen and cellular metabolism basically stop happening to the tissue. So the tissue dies off. And the surgeons had to take 90% of the dead tissue out of its small intestine so the baby only has 3 cm's of its SI-tissue left. This is life threatening. And right now the baby is hooked up to tubes and they'll have to feed it through a stoma or IV's and that kind of thing into the blood stream. But he can't leave the baby like that forever.

    So he is someone who sells insurance and has sold to doctors before and had very negative experiences with doctors. And that's because they are apart of the system and we know what that means. And he doesn't always take their word for it and likes to do his own research. So I said I would help him out.

    So if anyone has suggestions as truth seekers let me know. The more knowledge we can share amongst each other without needing to give money to academia the better. He was considering finding a donor. Or taking off support after a while and letting it live with what it has and working to feed it more food overtime. I was considering a stem cell transplant. But he is overwhelmed especially with his first baby and his back is against the wall and I consider this my community so if anyone has a suggestion of a hospital or anything they know feel free to holler. This is what truth seeking is all about helping one another for free. Any suggestion is much appreciated. And the more stories we share with another and more personal we become the more involved people will get the better communication gets around us.

    1. if you have advice you can also send it to my e-mail at

    2. I'm going to email you. I don't know details about this situation specifically, but I have dealt with the medical system some because of my son and I had to get very serious about taking care of him with alternative methods and so I have some information that might be at least worth consideration. I don't want them to be making things worse, unknowingly! I'll email you...

    3. That sounds great. Have you emailed me? Cause I haven't gotten unknown mail recently. But if you did you can let me know here and I'll find it.

    4. Yes, I did email you! I'll double check my sent items to make sure I got your email correct! My email is jaimi.butler@gmail if you can search for it!

  53. Excuse typos I'm a bit annoyed by this because I didn't do anything!

    1. This doesn't really matter. Even if Zach were to be wrong here it doesn't undermine the overall validity of his work in anyway. So Zach is to busy trying to make his videos of correct future predictions and teaching us about numbers and who and how they govern and trying to make it to D.C. It is not important that one event distract us. Please move on. The same empire still needs to be taken down. Best example look at our current situation with the jail and prisons system. Nothing right about those conditions or rehabilitation there. people go there to have their lives destroyed and many times in cases where they weren't the perpetrator. Things like this need to be fixed as soon as possible. This here what your after doesn't do anything.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    this isn't even real Numerology


  56. Texans last win in Denver 2012 lol
    2-4 vs Denver

    Zack may be emotional, reactive at times but he knows his stuff. We don't always agree but there is mutual respect. His job is not to pick winning games !!!! His job is to WAKE people up about rigged sports and media.

  57. Zach I think I have discovered a very great connection, is there any way you can email me?

  58. I think the Latino community need to wake up. Everything is a coincidence for this race. Everyone thinks I'm crazy or lunatic.
    The majority of the Votes are the Latinos. They'll believe anything they hear. I know alot of my family who believe anything they hear on TV.

    1. That's an actual quote from the former President Richard Nixon. "The American People don't believe anything until they see it on television."

    2. That doesn't surprise me...isn't that the damn truth! The television has become the God of our people. But if one of us mere humans says anything...we must prove it! And yet these same people accept anything ther see on TV as absolute fact with no evidence whatsoever!

    3. Bearing that in mind, I am sure that I'm not the only one who has thought to masterly craft a "television" show revealing truths and showing it to our unbelieving friends and relatives (DVD). It would appear to be a real broadcast so they would believe the information. Then they could repeat the information and say that they "saw it on the TV" so it must be true! I guess we would have to hijack a signal like the activists did in "They Live".

    4. Yes Cheryl!!! I have entertained that thought! That would be awesome...we need a few commonly known actors or news people to come on board to really pull it off though. We should do it! ;)

    5. Back in the late 80's and early 90's, Blublocker sunglasses were popularly advertised on the television. After I saw "They Live", I bought a pair and humorously thought that I would see all the subliminal messages surrounding me. After all, the glasses were developed for the NASA space program. :)

  59. Zach, do you have a bitcoin address I can send a donation too? I think it would be a better statement then sending Federal Reserve notes. Thanks

  60. More mocking in Denver.....

    Also, let your sister know about Bravo GcMAF..

    1. I've been researching GcMAF for my son...I'm going to check this out! They are blocking it because they know it cures people! Anyway thanks!! I'm glad I saw this!

  61. This go right this weekend.
    You will get one from me

  62. Zack! Where are you man lol this game is crazy we need you comment

  63. Do you really need money? You would look even better and more unbias if there was no money involved..

  64. Surely there would be someone willing to build the application for free

  65. I donated to the truth bro. Btw if you have time to check out the match between steelers and cowboys this weekend. They played steelers in the Super Bowl back in 1979 and steelers won. From this coming Sunday the 13th to the upcoming super bowl is 2monrhsand 23 days span. 12 weeks. It's possible for cowboys to make it to the superbowl

  66. Dropped in 15, if it finally went through. Get it done

    1. Awesome I'll be throwing mine ASAP marking my words here.

  67. 'whitelash' = 42

  68. Hey Zach. Just a Heads Up - TRUTH FREQUENCY RADIO - is on the List.

  69. I just donated $10 and I'll be donating some more cash in another two weeks or so when I get paid again. Ever little bit helps out towards the greater cause.

  70. Thank you to everyone who have donated! Remember, this money is going to be used to make the things happen that need to happen so we can get to a better place in this world! You're the best truthseekers!

    1. if this guy was legit like me he wouldn't be asking for donations because he would already be rich

  71. One thing you should remember Zach... Some people just don't have much money and have the notion that they probably donate after winning some money due to one of your picks... I have donated and will be donating more if colts win AFC Champs as I have a wager placed. Don't give up man, I follow you for "The Truth" the sports picks are just a bonus, I don't even really watch sports... Keep that in mind. I feel you definitely deserve to be compensated for spreading the truth and its only right that you are taken care of for spreading it, also so you can keep doing it... Your work isn't in vain. Let's just say your pay day hasn't come yet. Blessings brother

  72. difference with me I give back money to the people not take from them

  73. Hubbard = 56/336/29
    Fake Name = 56/336/29
    Zkh = 45
    Paid Shill = 45
    Zachary K Hubbard = 68
    Paid jew = 68

  74. Hubbard = 56/336/29
    Fake Name = 56/336/29
    Zkh = 45
    Paid Shill = 45
    Zachary K Hubbard = 68
    Paid jew = 68

  75. I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for good 3 mounths. Am Jessica Butler by name from USA. Even though i have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help upon my life. My husband separated with me for the 3 months and have been in pains and agony without him. So, i searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out not until i meant Doctor Oku who i contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours as far that my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email: or call +2347053113465

  76. Hi Zach, it is me again from Facebook (Marinam). You could add a Paypal donation button here in blogger and get donations here. I added mine. Sadly, no donations yet. People don't care about people who speak truth. In Christ, Marinam.

  77. I made a donation and would like a refund. You can deduct the postage, but I would very much appreciate a refund. Please send me an email and I will reply to it with my information. Thank you.

  78. Hello ladies and gentlemen,
    Allow me to present you an opportunity at the end of the year in beauty and joy. Do you worry for the year-end holidays, you want to spend a memorable and unforgettable Christmas. I give you an opportunity of fast and reliable loan in a short time. Do not hesitate, a single address to contact for further information.
    Thank you for trusting me.

  79. I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Oku brought back my husband that separated with me for good 3 mounths. Am Jessica Butler by name from USA. Even though i have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Oku for his help upon my life. My husband separated with me for the 3 months and have been in pains and agony without him. So, i searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out not until i meant Doctor Oku who i contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours as far that my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Oku said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email: or add him on whasapp +2347053113465

  80. Hey Zach! Just purchased one of your campaign t-shirts. Can't wait to wear it and represent a cause I truly have faith in. I would just like to thank you for making leaders out of all of us. Your work is an inspiration to many, but we must remain true to ourselves and further the cause in our own way. The answers stretch far greater than an esoteric practice like Gematria. In time, I plan to reveal all that I have uncovered. Take care.

  81. Just looked up at the football game and noticed the Giants just made a 39 yard field goal. #Funny

    1. Dex had his first fumble in 39 games, Janodis Jenkins picked off a ball at the 39 yard line, and Leon Hall intercepted a ball that was returned to the 39 yard line.

  82. Strangest thing just happened when I was replying to some Christians on a Youtube channel by Jason A. Every time I tried to post a comment, it failed. I was only speaking truth about Gematria and all. I would very much like to talk to you about it more. I saved all my comments. Youtube is censoring me so I know that what I have to say is extremely important. Could I please have your e-mail to speak to you further? I would greatly appreciate it. My e-mail address is Thank you.




  84. I live in usa and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as I am a mother who struggles with three children and I have been going through a problem as seriously as my husband found a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and I could not pay the bills, then your surgery went to the bank to borrow and reject me saying that I have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when I was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender MR TONY HARTON, offering loans at affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the internet but at this my desperate situation, I had no choice but to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, I got a loan of $ 50,000 and I paid for my husband surgery and thank God today is good and you can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to myself that I will mourn aloud in the world of the wonders of God to me through this lender GOD fearing MR TONY HARTON and I would advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this God-fearing man on through .. and I want you all to pray for this man for me

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I am Kim Campbell ,From united states of America. I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. This year June. My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was bringing to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,OKU AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. .My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost OK..Thanks or add him on whasapp +2347053113465

  87. Hey Hamburger Hubbard, how come in the pic at the top of this thread you look healthy and in your vids you look scrawny and banged up? Is that not Satanism and deciet? I mean above, you look like a used car salesman. In your videos you look like a cancer patient?

  88. Seriois, look a t the pic of Hamburger Hubb at the top, would it not go perfectly on a sign that says "Hubbard's Used Cars"


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