Monday, March 27, 2017

25 47 67 74 97 144 187 | Flint 'water' settlement $97m, March 27, 2017 +Mayor Karen Weaver, Flint High School Class of '77 +Three the Hard Way, 1974 film

This has to do with 'water'.

Water = 23+1+20+5+18 = 67

Today is the right date for it, March 27, 2017.

3/27/2017 = 3+27+20+17 = 67

97 also has a lot to do with Flint.

Flint also has that '187' Gematria in the prime cipher.

More on $97-million?

Civil War = 97; Death = 97
Again, 97, the 25th prime; Racist = 25; Trump = 25; Death = 25

Today's date also connects to 'racist'.

3/27/17 = 3+27+17 = 47

The reflection of 47 is 74.  Flint has the '74' connection.

Masonic = 74; English = 74; Gematria = 74; so much more...

'74' also connects to the Gematria of the Mayor, Karen Weaver, who has been in her position since November 9, 2015.

Remember the film the '74 film Three the Hard Way that might have been predictive programming for this water crisis?  It had a lot to do with white supremacists and poisoning a black city's water supply.

97m settlement?

Masonic = 223; The Synagogue of Satan = 223/97

As for the Mayor...

The Mayor is currently 58-years-old, class of '77, from Flint.  We know how special 77 is.  We also know how special 58 is.  The Governor Rick Snyder is also 58.

From the start of the Crisis, January 5, 2016, to the date of the settlement, is exactly 64-weeks, the 'Civil Rights' number.

Remember, the Civil Rights act happened in '64, July 2, 223-days after the assassination of JFK.

As for the Gematria of 'Water Crisis', it has the familiar 144.

Flint, Michigan has parallels to this number.  Remember:

Forty Four = 144; Seventy One = 144

The Governor of Michigan turned 58, a span of 221-days earlier.

The Bavarian Illuminati = 221
Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58

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