Wednesday, November 5, 2014

33 311 | The Worst Earthquake Ever Recorded (May 22, 1960 - Valdivia)

What strikes me most curious about this earthquake, the worlds largest ever recorded, is the time it happened at, 3:11 PM local.  Below, it says the earthquake happened at a depth of 33 KM.  With regards to the date of 5/22, it should be noted that "Holocaust", which means burnt animal sacrifice to the gods, sums to 522 in Jewish Gematria.  In the form of Gematria I teach, "Holocaust" sums to 33, like the depth of this earthquake.  The reporting of waves as high as 82-feet is also of interest.
  • Valdivia = 4+1+3+4+9+4+9+1 = 35
  • Valdivia = 22+1+3+4+9+4+9+1 = 53
  • Valdivia = 22+1++12+4+9+22+9+1 = 80
Could the Valdivia quake have been practice for the coming earthquake to the Pacific NW?  My whole life they've been preparing us for "the big one".  A recent Google commercial hints at disaster in the Oregon/Washington region.

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