Tuesday, November 4, 2014

33 55 | Mia Love, Born 'Bourdeau', Age 38

Tonight Mia Love became the first black congresswoman.  She is age 38, a number having much to do with 'GOP'.
  • Mia = 4+9+1 = 14
  • Love = 4+6+4+5 = 18
  • Mia Love = 14+19 = 32
  • Age 38
  • GOP = 7+15+16 = 38
  • Born 'Bourdeau'
  • Bourdeau = 2+6+3+9+4+5+1+3 = 33
  • Ludmya = 3+3+4+4+7+1 = 22
  • Ludmya Bourdeau = 22+33 = 55
Do you see how these hoaxes are born into their positions?  Do you see how their names are crafted? What a sick joke.  It is time to make a new school house rock, introducing the kiddos to Gematria, and the making of black republican congresswomen, something all sane people know is the most absurd pairing of words in the history of language.  Black... Republican.... Congresswoman... lol

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