Wednesday, November 5, 2014

33 vs 33 | Bengals vs Browns, Thursday November 6, a Tribute to Vince Lombardi? Armageddon?

Warning:  I could be reading into this all wrong.

This Thursday Night, the Bengals will host the Browns, on the 19-year anniversary of Art Modell announcing the movement of the Browns from Cleveland to Baltimore, where they became the Ravens and went on to win Super Bowls, something the Browns are yet to do; the date of the announcement by Art Modell was November 6, 1995.  The date 11/6 is also curious, because the Gematria of 116 produces some interesting words.
  • Country = 3+15+21+14+20+18+25 = 116
  • Thursday = 20+8+21+18+19+4+1+25 = 116
  • Illuminate = 9+12+12+21+13+9+14+1+20+5= 116
Could we be in for a special event this Thursday night?  Football has become the country's favorite sport, and Ohio is the birthplace of American Football.  The numbers and the event align for something spectacular.  That said, a good Thursday Night Football game might qualify as spectacular for the average NFL fan.

Making matters even more interesting, this will be the 82nd head-to-head game between the two Ohio Teams.  This was a very important number to Vince Lombardi, who died unexpectedly the day before the 1970 season, the year the Browns and Bengals first met.  That date was September 3, 1970.  That means it has been 44-years since their rivalry began.
  • 9/3/70 = 9+3+70 = 82
  • Vince = 22+9+5+3+5 = 44
  • Lombardi = 3+6+4+2+1+9+4+9 = 38
  • Vince Lombardi = 44+38 = 82
If the Bengals win Thursday night, they will have 44 wins and 38 losses against the Cleveland Browns.  That means the Cleveland Browns will have 38 wins and 44 losses against the Bengals.
  • Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33
  • Bengals = 2+5+5+7+1+3+10 = 33
  • Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33
Ohio is the 17th State, and the only with a Gematria of "47".
  • Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
Ickey Woods, the former Bengals player, has been wearing the #30 in a commercial where he draws the #44.  It is a Geico Ad, and this Thursday's game will take place in "The Jungle".
  • Geico = 7+5+9+3+15 = 39
  • The Jungle = 2+8+5+1+3+5+7+3+5 = 39
Ickey Woods was born February 28, 1966; the NFL was established in 66.
  • Ickey = 9+3+2+5+7 = 26
  • Woods = 5+6+6+4+1 = 22
  • Ickey Woods is 48-years old currently
It should also be noted that the Bengals were in the Super Bowl in '82 against the San Francisco 49ers.  In other words, all the "82" seems to connect in the Bengals favor.  If I was a betting man, I'd bet on stripes.
  • Stripe = 1+2+9+9+7+5 = 33
Also curious, Cleveland just lost to Portland on 11/4/14, by a score of 82-101, in LeBron James's worst performance since his rookie season.  He scored 11 points.
  • On 11/4, Lebron James scored 11-points
  • LeBron = 12+5+2+18+15+14 = 66
  • James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
  • LeBron James = 66+48 = 114
  • Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 74
  • Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
  • Oregon and Ohio are the only states with 74 and 47 Gematria; two very important numbers
  • Seattle, near Portland, has a Gematria of 82.
  • In Jewish Gematria, Seattle and Manhattan are the only cities that sum to 321
  • Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82

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