Wednesday, November 5, 2014

47 53 | Super Bowl 48 Tribute to Colorado Mountains, Mt. Rainier (Foreshadowing Disaster?)

I have been looking for the meaning of "53", as it was heavily coded into Game 7 of the World Series; from the outcome, to the missing NFL fan who was found earlier in the day.  While reading about Mt. Rainier, the answer to "53" came to me.  It is the number of players on an NFL Roster, as well as many other things.  I made this observation when I noticed that Colorado Governor Hickenlooper renamed 53-mountains after the members of the Denver Broncos roster for the 2013-14 year.  In response, the Washington Senate temporarily renamed Mt. Rainier, Mt. Seahawks.  This is the connection in the foreshadowing of what is to come at Super Bowl 49 I fear.
  • Mt. = 13+20 = 33
  • Rainier = 9+1+9+5+9+5+9 = 47
  • Rainier is on the 47th Parallel North
  • Mt. Rainier is one of seventeen "Decade Volcanoes" in the world
  • These are the deadliest, most dangerous volcanoes
If Mt. Rainier were to erupt, hundreds of thousands of people could potentially die at once, and possibly more than a million.  In terms of foreshadowing, the height of the mountain might be a clue. It is listed at 14,411 feet.  Notice the 14 and the 411...  (Click text below to make larger, read what would happen with Rainier eruption)
The region last experienced a major quake in 2001, the Nisqually Quake of February 28, 2001.
  • Nisqually = 5+9+10+8+3+1+3+3+7 = 49
  • 2/28/01 = 2+28+01 = 2+28+01 = 31 (Foundation)
  • 2/28/2001 = 2+2+8+2+0+0+1 = 15
  • Will Rainer blow in '15?
  • May 18, 2014, will be the 34-year anniversary of St. Helens eruption

The reason this worries me the most, is because my college professor, John Holloway, a Geologist, clearly told us, multiple times, the one place he would never live is Seattle, WA, because we could see that city wiped out in our lifetime with a Mt. Rainier eruption.  Looking back, I wonder if he knew more than I could have ever imagined.  I'm looking at his email and it seems he still works there, perhaps a letter is in order.  Also, having grown up in this area, we've been told to prepare for 'the big one' our whole lives.  If Rainier were to blow, it would qualify.

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