Monday, November 3, 2014

47 64 | Joe Biden, the Next Lyndon Johnson

Look at this November 3, or 11/3 headline... very special for the 47th VP.
  • Dems = 4+5+4+1 = 14
  • Put = 7+3+2 = 12
  • On = 6+5 = 11
  • a = 1 
  • Brave = 2+9+1+4+5 = 21
  • Face = 6+1+3+5 = 15
  • Dems Put On a Brave Face = 74
  • Biden is the 47th Vice President
  • President = 47/110
Also, there is a connection to today's VP, and the 44th Term President's VP, Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Joe =10+15+5 = 30
  • Biden = 2+9+4+5+14 = 34
  • Joe Biden = 64
  • Lyndon = 3+7+5+4+6+5 = 30
  • B. = 2
  • Johnson = 1+6+8+5+1+6+5 = 32
  • Lyndon B. Johnson = 64

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