Wednesday, January 7, 2015

12 33 | 'Terror in Parris', Another Shooting Hoax by the 'Hooded'

  • Magazine = 13+1+7+1+26+9+14+5 = 76
  • Magazine = 4+1+7+1+8+9+5+5 = 40
    • Satirical = 1/10+1+2+9+9+9+3+1+3 = 38/47
    • Satirical = 19+1+20+9+18+9+3+1+12 = 92
This has hoax written all over it... just look at what France's President said.
  • Francois = 6+9+1+5+3+6+9+10 = 49/58
  • Hollande = 8+6+3+3+1+5+4+5 = 35
  • Francois Hollande = 84/93
Notice the first word is 'hooded'.
  • Hooded = 8+6+6+4+5+4 = 33


  1. How can you call this a hoax? They have pictures of people on the ground. Do you think people would lay down on the ground for no good reason. Checkmate!

    1. They are actors, everyone in every shooting, all they are actors.
      Did you see the Boston marathon hoax, all the injured and hurt, they all are actors.
      They only do it in a public space, so it looks real but all these shootings are fake.
      The government is doing here in the US all this hoaxes so they can disarmed everyone and guns can become illegal here in the US.

  2. One good reason is if the pay is good, cash to play dead..why not?

  3. True. I wouldn't do it but I'm sure the devils they hire don't care.

  4. Today they ran a drill in Washington State that locked down an entire school district. Of course it was reported by the pol!ce and media as real. The "lone man with a gun" was wearing "camouflage pants and a black hooded sweatshirt". Since this was just a drill to terror!se the mothers & children with no fake deaths, the hooded man "managed to flee the scene and can not be found".

    It's interesting now to see how in-depth these psyops go. The anti-hoodie aspect of the psyop kicked off with the Tryvon Martin event. In hindsight it's now obvious why there was a such dramatic over-emphasis on the hoodie aspect of the event.

    The domestic survalance network has a very difficult time identifying and tracking people wearing hooded clothing. They need us to not wear clothing that obstructs our head and face. That's all this particular portion of the psyop is about.

  5. And look out for the man on "the loose".

    The = 33
    Loose = 66

  6. Zach, check out the date today. 1/7/15
    1+7=8 or 815. Just like the AirAsia plane, and Lost's Oceanic Air planes number.

  7. Whoa, just found this. 815 echos the atomic bomb.

    At 2:45 A.M. local time (August 6, 1945), the Enola Gay, a B-29 bomber loaded with an atomic bomb, took off from the US air base on Tinian Island in the western Pacific. Six and a half hours later,at 8:15 A.M. Japan time, the bomb was dropped and it exploded a minute later at an estimated altitude of 580 +- 20 meters over central Hiroshima.


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