Saturday, January 24, 2015

99 110 | Tim Duncan, David Robinson and the "Twin Towers"

Let us begin by examining the name Gematria of Tim Duncan and David Robinson.
  • Timothy = 2+9+4+6+2+8+7 = 38
  • Theodore = 2+8+5+6+4+6+9+5 = 45
  • Duncan = 4+3+5+3+1+5 = 21
  • Timothy Theodore Duncan = 38+45+21 = 104
  • Tim = 2+9+4 = 15
  • Duncan = 4+3+5+3+1+5 = 21
  • Tim Duncan = 36 = 9
  • Timothy = 20+9+13+15+20+8+25 = 110
  • Theodore = 20+8+5+15+4+15+18+5 = 90
  • Duncan = 4+21+14+3+1+14 = 57
  • Timothy Theodore Duncan = 257
  • Tim = 20+9+13 = 42
  • Duncan = 4+21+14+3+1+14 = 57
  • Tim Duncan = 99 = 18= 9
Tim Duncan was born on April 25, 1976.
  • 4/25/1976 = 4+2+5+1+9+7+6 = 34
  • 4/25/76 = 4+25+76 = 105
Let us now decode David Robinson's Gematria.
  • David = 4+1+4+9+4 = 22
  • Maurice = 4+1+3+9+9+3+5 = 34
  • Robinson = 9+6+2+9+5+1+6+5 = 43
  • David Maurice Robinson  = 99 = 18 = 9
  • David = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40
  • Maurice = 13+1+21+18+9+3+5 = 70
  • Robinson = 18+15+2+9+14+19+15+14 = 106
  • David Maurice Robinson = 216 = 9
  • David Robinson = 146 = 11
David Robinson was born August 6, 1965.  August 6 is a curious date... (Hiroshima)
  • 8/6/1965 = 8+6+1+9+6+5 = 34
  • 8/6/65 = 8+6+65 = 25
Notice that Tim Duncan, in Gematria, reduces from 99 to 9, and David Robinson from 146 to 11.  Strangely enough, David Robinson and Tim Duncan were known as the "Twin Towers" long before September 11 (9/11) and the World Trade Center buildings came joined in infamy.  And even before David Robison and Tim Duncan, Hakeem Olajuwon and Ralph Sampson were nicknamed the "Twin Towers" as well.  Notice that both duos are from Texas, San Antonio and Houston respectively.
  • Twin Towers = 2+5+9+5+2+6+5+5+9+1 = 49
Prior to joining the NBA, Tim Duncan became a Wake Forest Demon Deacon in the year 1993, the same year the World Trade Centers suffered a major bombing.
  • Wake Forest = 5+1+2+5+6+6+9+5+1+2 = 42
  • Wake Forest = 23+1+11+5+6+15+18+5+19+20 = 123
  • Demon Deacons = 4+5+4+6+5+4+5+1+3+6+5 = 49
  • Demon Deacons = 4+5+13+15+14+4+5+1+3+15+14+19 = 112
    • D.D. = 4.4.

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