Wednesday, March 4, 2015

33 55 96 | U.S. Diplomat Slashed in South Korea, Looking Hoax-a-Licious

The suspect is 55-years old, and having the name "Kim".
  • Kim = 11+9+13 = 33
  • 55-years old
The diplomat's name is Mark Lippert.
  • Mark = 13+1+18+11 = 43
  • Lippert = 12+9+16+16+5+18+20 = 96
  • Mark Lippert = 43+96 = 139
Perhaps, Mark is the perfect name for March 4, or 3/4, or 4/3, especially in South Korea.
  • March = 13+1+18+3+8 = 43
  • Mark = 43
  • South Korea = 1+6+3+2+8+2+6+9+5+1 = 43
In CNN's reporting, they were sure to link him to Obama's 'foreign policy'.

Last, Lippert has a very curious birthday.

February 28, 1973 has numerology relating to 'America', 'Obama' and 'Thelema'.
  • 2/28/73 = 2+28+73 = 93
  • 2/28/1973 = 2+2+8+1+9+7+3 = 32

1 comment:

  1. Reports outside the western media, including the police in Korea, report the attacker used a 10" knife, nothing close to a Razor Blade. They needed the razor blade for some reason.


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