Wednesday, July 22, 2015

116 | Seattle Mariner's Record 2001 Season, Just Before 9/11

Recall, the Yankees knocked the Mariners out of the playoffs in the 2001 season.  In hindsight, the Mariners had a very curious number of wins (116).  I can still see Brett Boone, steroid junkie, tossing his bat like the tool he was after each home run.  And if you're not aware, 116 is 911 upside down.  Seattle and Manhattan also have something in common.

In Jewish Gematria, both names are much like a countdown.

1 comment:

  1. Great catch. Pardon the pun. I just can't see the M's 116 wins as a coink y dink given the big picture and what you've shown. I used to watch baseball all the time back then, even had season tickets for a few years from 2002. I stopped looking at the flag and singing the bullshit anthem back in 2005. I also stopped taking my hat off and people got angry with me. I'm in a wheelchair so not even a drunk would fight me. I still catch an Angel game here and there but knowing it's bullshit, my fun is looking for where it's rigged..I believe in momentum but Isn't it funny how the announcers just say, "well baseball can really be a strange game at times" as they explain away bullshit. I'm so sick of the bullshit strike zone that changes by eight inches each side of the plate at an umpire's whim. That's 16 inches. Home plate umps determine whether a team has winning or losing season.


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