Monday, July 6, 2015

52 96 | The Head Coach of the US Women's Soccer Team, Jillian Ellis

The women's team won 5-2, even scoring on its own goal in the 52nd minute.
  • Jillian = 1+9+3+3+9+1+5 = 31
  • Ellis = 5+3+3+9+1 = 21/30
  • Jillian Ellis = 52/61
Notice that Jillian was made the coach on April 6, 2014, the 96th day of the year.  Strangely enough, it was the player born on April 6 that scored the goal on their own team in the 52nd minute.

Also, one last point about Jillian's birthday.
  • 9/9/1966 = 9+9+1+9+6+6 = 40
  • United = 3+5+9+2+5+4 = 28
  • States = 1+2+1+2+5+1 = 12/21
  • United States = 40/49
Recall, the US Men's Team had a German Coach

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