Thursday, July 23, 2015

61 68 | #Obamigration and the 44th President's Nairobi Visit

Recall that Barack Hussein Obama was born in '61, and there has been a whole heck of a lot of '61 coding lately.
  • Obamigration = 6+2+1+4+9+7+9+1+2+9+6+5 = 61

Also notice how in English Gematria, Obamigration has Gematria of 74 and 44, curious numbers, especially when paired.  74 often has to do with martyrdom and 44 often has do with killing.

Referring to Obama as the beast is quite odd.  Idris Situma also has some familiar Gematria.
  • Idris = 9+4+9+9+1 = 32/41
  • Situma = 1+9+2+3+4+1 = 20/29
  • Idris Situma = 52/61/70
  • Idris = 9+4+18+9+19 = 59
  • Situma = 19+9+20+21+13+1 = 83
  • Idris Situma = 142
  • President Obama = 142
  • Terrorist = 142 (Notice how Obama rhymes with Osama)
  • The 9/11 attack lasted 102 minutes, or 1:42...
  • Dianne = 4+9+1+14+14+5 = 47
  • Meria = 13+5+18+9+1 = 46
  • Dianne Meria = 93
  • Dianne = 4+9+1+5+5+5 = 29
  • Meria = 4+5+9+9+1 = 28
  • Dianne Meria = 57
Nairobi also reminds me of the death of Martin Luther King Jr., who died April 4, 1968, emphasis on '68.
  • Nairobi = 14+1+9+18+15+2+9 = 68
  • Barack Obama = 2+1+18+1+3+11+15+2+1+13+1 = 68

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