Sunday, August 9, 2015

33 | Thirty-Third Week of the Year and August 11 (User Contribution)

Monday is also the lone date of the month with '33 numerology'.
8/10/15 = 8+10+15 = 33
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Race War = 9+1+3+5+5+1+9 = 33


  1. 8/11 is an upcoming hot date, and this post just turned up the heat.

    The 39th week has my full attention. Thirty Ninth = 66. And remember 99 days left in the year from the 266th day, 9/23, September Twenty Three =266. Which falls in the 39th week.

    That graphic ended on the 40th week, but it the 42nd, 44th & 45th week that continue to intrigue.

    The 42nd week contains the date 10/16, and could foretell a 42/59 event. Possibly involving a certain 47, 110.

    The 44th week is key mainly because of the 44......and the similarity in its dates 10/30, 10/31, 11/3 which is also the last day of the 44th week.

    The 45th week will need its own blog entry - the entire week is all significant dates including the 1 year tribute before we elect the 45th President in the 45th week of 2016. There have been other predictions made for this coming 45th week involving Obama and his hoax death.

  2. I figured some big news was going to happen tonight / tomorrow.
    AUGUST TENTH = 156
    THIRTY THREE = 156
    8/10 is the start of the 33rd week


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