Saturday, September 5, 2015

115 228 | The September 3 Timing of Tom Brady's Suspension Being Lifted

From the date of the "Deflate Gate' game, January 18, 2015, to the date of the suspension being taken away, is a span of 228-days, a number very relevant to the United States of America.

Remember the NFL is referred to as 'America's Game'.
USA = 21+19+1 = 41
Deflate = 4+5+6+3+1+2+5 = 26
Gate = 7+1+2+5 = 15
Deflate Gate = 41
America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32 (32 Teams in the NFL)

It has been 115 days since the original suspension determination was made, May 11, 2015.  The span of days is much like the date it self.  The number of 115 connects to words such as 'leader' and 'freemasons'.  Tom Brady is considered the 'leader' of the Patriots.

Notice the gematria of '45' on leader.  Super Bowl 50 is hosted in San Francisco on 2/7/2016.

2/7/2016 = 2+7+20+16 = 45

Super Bowl = 41/50 (San Francisco = 50, host of Super Bowl 50)
Deflate Gate = 41

The suspension was appealed June 23, 44-days after May 11 including the end date, and it the suspension was upheld July 28, after being appealed 35-days earlier, a number specific to Tom Brady.
Tom Brady = 2+6+4+2+9+1+4+7 = 35
8/3/1977 = 8+3+1+9+7+7 = 35 (Tom Brady's Life Number)
Tom Brady had 35 attempts during 'Deflate Gate' game
Suspended = 1+3+1+7+5+5+4+5+4 = 35

37 is the 12th Prime Number; Tom Brady Wears #12
Patriots = 7+1+2+9+9+6+2+1 = 37

The suspension was revoked 157-days before Super Bowl 50, February 7, 2016.  That is also a span of 22 weeks and 3-days, a lot like 223, the Synagogue of Satan's favorite number.

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