Wednesday, September 23, 2015

116 152 | Pope Francis's Fiat 500 & What It Might Foreshadow

What = 5+8+1+2 = 16
would = 5+6+3+3+4 = 21
Jesus = 1+5+1+3+1 = 11/20
have = 8+1+4+5 = 18
driven = 4+9+9+4+5+5 = 36
What would Jesus have driven = 102/111
United States of America = 84/93/102

The license plate for the car was SCV1.  SCV = 19+3+22 = 44
It has been 36-years since the first Pope visited the United States in 1979

Some very interesting Gematria here.  Notice the double coding of '116' in 'Fiat' and in 'Five Hundred'.  116 is 911 upside down.  Also, notice the Gematria of 152, a number we saw a lot of earlier this year.  Pennsylvania has Gematria of 152, and Pope Francis's visit will conclude in the Keystone State, on the Jesuit Order's birthday, Sunday, September 27, 2015.  Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia.


  1. He's pushing the Fiat 500L (L=50 in Roman) so 550 or 55 - the god number in numerology. And it triggers reminders of Fiat Money and the impending economic collapse.

    Also, in Latin, Fiat means "Let it be done," and "It shall be." This reminds me of the article about Junipero Serra... (Que Sera, Sera?) Whatever will be, will be? All part of the magick ritual. AND: Turns out that song is by "Doris Day" = 95 (Pentagram / IT IS DONE)... and DD=44.

    Notice too that Fiat (36/116) has the exact same numerology as Bite from Tick Bite.

    Also I deciphered the sacrifice of Yogi Berra. HEAVY Coding.

  2. Check out the reg on his Fiat

    Popes Fiat 500 License plate SCV = 793 and ties in with the Beast of Revelation.

    [link to]

    Hebrew Gematria of SCV = 793
    [link to]

    Satanic Gematria of Barack Hussein Obama = 793

    Decimal Gematria of Barack Hussein Obama = 793

    “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six”. Revelation 13 verse 18 (Verse number 30927)

    30927 = 13×793 + 13×793 + 13×793

    There are 1189 Chapters in the Bible and 0.6666666666666666 of 1189 = 793

    Spread this will wake people up


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