Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Daniel Wulz, Whoever He Is, Is a Bitch

I imagine this is in regards to using the name 'Daniel Wulz' in the video above, since the piece of shit, Daniel Wulz, has been trolling the very same video.  These people are beyond pathetic.

Daniel = 4+1+5+9+5+3 = 27
Wulz = 5+3+3+8 = 19
Daniel Wulz = 46

There needs to be a war.  The battle won't be won on YouTube.


  1. At least they gave you a chance. I smell a shit storm boys'

  2. He changed his name to Denim Dan, can we call him that? Or how about Douchebag Dan W?

    I'm sorry, that's probably rude.

  3. Peekay22 received the same notification.

  4. He was trollin so hard over that video

  5. I'm starting to think this is a tactic. Today my first video on the shooting has been deleted because of being flagged, and I have a 48 hour warning that could result in another strike.

  6. Cuz your telling the truth Zack!! Trolls don't like truth!!

  7. No guys. They are suckering you in to these ridic easy hoaxes hoping you will post videos. Then they hit you with strike after strike, and you are playing right into their hands.

    YouTube's plan is to freeze you out in time for Sept 23. So when the real event hits - you will not be able to communicate the truth to the truth seekers....for months!

    Maybe I'm wrong, but is Gematria really needed to see what a hoax this fake reporter shooting story is? I don't think so. Just watch the live video, and see the truth for yourself.

    Trolls have been increasing - but have had no effect. So they have moved to Phase 2 - you are being too predictable, and they are shutting everybody down one by one. Today they Blocked a video that Zach posted over a month ago. Does nobody else see the big picture?

    1. I think you make a great deal of sense Maestro 2x.
      This hoax was crazy absurd. This might be the main mockery before the sh!t storm in 19 days.
      Got to hand it to the SatanicZioMasons, they run it all. But each one of them know, while they snort coke and diddle boys, that the reaper will take their body and soul soon enough. They had better hope this life is all they get.


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