Thursday, October 15, 2015

233 | Largest Land Conservation Measure Ever Taken (Utah)

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233...


  1. I'm beginning to think they left us in designated areas while they conquer the land elsewhere (which is pretty much any place that roads don't exist on maps).

    Has anyone ever wondered if there are other countries outside aswell? I mean the real world map (all that are considered real) have huge empty spots of water or so the maps suggest. But what if there are more continents available elsewhere and we just accepted the map that we were shown because we simply couldn't verify it (even to this day, there is only soo far you can travel and in designated areas I should add).
    I'm going to see if I can find anything on "other worlds".
    Sounds crazy but it does sound like something these ppl would do.

    1. I mean these ppl would have free reign over others who did not make it into our civilization. Where they can raise a population from birth into believing anything. Basically live like kings or as the North Koreans soppousedly live...

    2. Many flat earth advocates believe that there could be hidden land. It would jibe with the concept that there is some sort of 'breakaway civilization'..


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