Tuesday, October 13, 2015

33 39 44 68 93 101 116 144 | The Death of Martin Luther King Jr & the Death of James Earl Ray

Clergyman = 3+3+5+9+7+7+4+1+5 = 44 (Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44)
Let us begin with the basics.

Martin = 4+1+9+2+9+5 = 30
Luther = 3+3+2+8+5+9 = 30
King = 2+9+5+7 = 23
Jr . = 1+9 = 10
Martin Luther King Jr. = 93 (Gave his last speech April 3, the 93rd day of the year)

Notice that MLKJ (4321), had Name Gematria of '93' and died at age '39', the reflection of 93.  These numbers are of extreme importance to the Zionists.  The other black civil rights leader of the era, Malcolm X, also had the coded name Gematria of '93'.

Malcolm X = 13+1+12+3+15+12+13+24 = 93

Malcolm X's assassin would receive a '44' year prison sentence.  Fitting, since Malcolm X was assassinated on a date with a life lesson number of '44', February 21, 1965.  Of course, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on 4/4, or April Fourth, a lot like '44'.

'44' is the kill number in Gematria.
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

Forty Four = 144
April Fourth = 144

These numbers, 44 and 144, are highly associated with political assassinations of the past from Julius Caesar, to the Kennedy's to of course Martin Luther King Jr. Himself.  JFK would die on the first day of Sagittarius and his younger brother Bobby would die at 1:44 AM.  With regards to MLK's blamed assassin, he too would die on a date with '144' numerology.

Sagittarius = 144

Notice that James Earl Ray, the man falsely blamed for killing King, died on April 23, 1998, the 113th day of the year.  Words such as 'mainstream' and 'dishonest' have Gematria of 113.  In this regard, it makes sense that the falsely blamed man in the mainstream media for King's death would die on the 113th day of the year.

4/23/1998 = 4+23+19+98 = 144
4/23/1998 = 4+23+(1+9+9+8) =  54 (Obama's Current Age)
4/23/1998 = 4+2+3+1+9+9+8 = 36 (1-36 summed = 666) (Relationship between 144 and 666...)
4/23/98 = 4+23+98 = 125

With regards to 36, it is a lot like '306', the room King was shot in front of at the Lorraine Motel.

Let us decode the name James Earl Ray.

James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Earl = 5+1+9+3 = 18
Ray = 9+1+7 = 17
James Earl Ray = 47/56 (11) (Memphis = 47)

James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Earl = 5+1+18+12 = 36
Ray = 18+1+25 = 44
James Earl Ray = 128 (11)
JER = 10+5+18 = 33

I would say James Early Ray has a fitting name for a patsy.  Recall, the assassination took place in Memphis, TN.

Memphis = 4+5+4+7+8+9+1 = 38/47 (Death = 38) (47, the number of the Zionist)
Tennessee = 2+5+5+5+5+1+1+5+5 = 34 (Murder = 34)
Memphis, Tennessee = 72/81
Memphis, TN = 45/54

Memphis = 13+5+13+16+8+9+19 = 83
Tennessee = 20+5+14+14+5+19+19+5+5 = 106
Memphis, Tennessee = 189

Notice also the date of arrest, June 8, 1968 and the date of the plea deal, March 10, 1969.  His arrest came 9 weeks and 3 days after the assassination of King.

6/8/1968 = 6+8+19+68 = 101 (Assassin = 101)
6/8/1968 = 6+8+(1+9+6+8) = 38 (Death = 38)
6/8/1968 = 6+8+1+9+6+8 = 38 (Jew = 38)
6/8/68 = 6+8+68 = 82

3/10/1969 = 3+10+19+69 = 101
3/10/1969 = 3+10+(1+9+6+9) = 38
3/10/1969 = 3+1+0+1+9+6+9 = 29
3/10/69 = 3+10+69 = 82

1/15/1929 = 1+15+19+29 = 64 (Civil Rights = 64, '64 Civil Rights Act)(Barack Hussein Obama)
1/15/1929 = 1+15+(1+9+2+9) = 37
1/15/1929 = 1+1+5+1+9+2+9 = 29
1/15/29 = 1+15+29 = 45

4/4/1968 = 4+4+19+68 = 95 (Reflection of 59)
4/4/1968 = 4+4+(1+9+6+8) = 32 (America = 32)
4/4/1968 = 4+4+1+9+6+8 = 32
4/4/68 = 4+4+68 = 76

Notice the Sanitation Workers strike began on February 11 and was still ongoing when King came to speak on April 3 and April 4.  With regards to April 3, it is the 93rd day of the year, and in history, it is the day that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his final speech.  Funny it was at the 'Mason Temple'.

Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62
Temple = 20+5+13+16+12+5 = 71
Mason Temple = 133
Martin Luther King. Jr. = 93
But with regards to February 11, it is the 42nd day of the year, and '42' is a number coded on Black Americans in a very negative way, throughout history.

Nigger = 5+9+7+7+5+9 = 42
Negro = 59
Slaves = 59
Blues = 59
Motown Came Out in '59...

I have little doubt this was all part of the planned narrative for the end of Dr. King, a very racist and fitting 'fuck you' from The Synagogue of Satan.

Notice the time of death, 6:01, much like '61', the number for God in Jewish Gematria.  King was a man of the 'church'.  He would die 1 hour 4 minutes later, 1:04, or 64 minutes later.  (Civil Rights = 64).  Recall how 104 was connected to the death of Lincoln, who is remembered for freeing the slaves.

Church = 3+8+21+18+3+8 = 61
God = 7+50+4 = 61 (Jewish Gematria)

Also notice the arrest location, 'London Heathrow Airport'.

London = 3+6+5+4+6+5 = 29
Heathrow = 8+5+1+2+8+9+6+5 = 44
Airport = 1+9+9+7+6+9+2 = 43
London Heathrow Airport = 116

King died on a 'Thursday'.

Thursday = 20+8+21+18+19+4+1+25 = 116

These numbers are all of great importance to the Freemasons.  Speaking of which, the hospital Dr. King was pronounced dead at, St. Joseph's Hospital, even has the 'Freemason' coding.

St. = 1+2 = 3/12
Joseph's = 1+6+1+5+7+8+1 = 29/38
Hospital = 8+6+1+7+9+2+1+3 = 37/46
St. Joseph's Hospital = 69/96
Freemason = 96
Satanism = 96
Knowledge = 96

Let us close by decoding Lorraine Motel and seeing how that fits into the rest of the picture.

Lorraine = 3+6+9+9+1+9+5+5 = 47 (Memphis = 47)
Motel = 4+6+2+5+3 = 20
Lorraine Motel = 67 (Satanic = 67)
Room 306.... 36.... when you sum 1-36, you total 666

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