Sunday, October 4, 2015

33 | Hillary Clinton Imitates Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live

It is easy to see where this train is going.  You don't have to be a maestro.


  1. It's obvious the good ol' USA doesn't give two shits about it's reputation.

    The bars open, and there's drunken sluts everywhere ~ o.O

  2. Yup yup. On Jimmy Fallon's show Hillary had a phone call with Jimmy as Trump, & she said something along the lines of "It's so frustrating to work So hard for something for So long only to have Someone pop up to try to take it away from you."
    Which of course is the exact narrative they want people to see in Clinton v. Trump..
    near the end Jimmy as Trump said "I think I've really helped your campaign.."
    then when the segment was ending, they played that song "Oh, I think that I've found myself a cheerleader..."
    Which is pertinent because Trump is covertly Clinton's cheerleader.
    But of course nobody in the audience is thinking anything like that, they're just sucking up the mind numbing entertainment.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Great to hear from you Rup, you've been missed!

    2. There he is! Rup, I see you digs blue scholars too. Nice.


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