Monday, August 13, 2018

13 22 23 138 | Jay-Z and Beyonce perform in Detroit, August 13, 2018, the same day Aretha Franklin is on her death bed +Soul collectors

Black History Month = 93; Martin Luther King Jr. = 93; Malcolm X = 93 (and many more)

What are the odds that Jay-Z and Beyonce are performing in Detroit, the same day Aretha Franklin is on her death bed?

666, the 36th triangular number

Aretha Franklin is a soul singer, and it is rumored Jay-Z is a soul collector, but what about Beyonce?

This news comes on the 13th, 22-days before Beyonce's upcoming birthday, or a span of 23-days.

Soul = 13 /22 /23

Keep in mind Beyonce is 36-years-old, and 666 is the 36th triangular number.

Also noteworthy, this news comes 113-days before Jay-Z's 49th birthday.

Jay-Z is a Freemason, likely in the Scottish Rite.

In light of the Scottish Rite connection, it is very possible Aretha Franklin dies Wednesday, August 15, 2018, the 227th day of the year, leaving 138-days remaining.

8/15/18 = 8+15+18 = 41

41, the 13th prime (Sick on the 13th)

Her cover of Otis Redding's song 'Respect' came out in '67, the reflectin of her age, 76.

Blood Sacrifice = 67 / 76

Sick on August 13, or 13/8, like 138... dead on the day leaving 138-days left in the year?

Don't forget that 47 is the 15th prime; Time = 15
Also don't forget that... Fifteen = 38; Death = 38; Murder = 38; Killing = 38

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