Friday, October 10, 2014

33 | 28 Days Later

The film 28 Days Later was released June 27, 2003.  The phrase "days later" is a coded "33".  The release date of 6/27 might also be a further tribute to this same 'special number'.
  • 6/27/ = 6+27 = 33
  • Days Later = 4+1+7+1+3+1+2+5+9 = 33
The film runs 113 minutes in length, a curious but not uncommon numbers in movies.  The main actors are Cillian Murphy and Christopher Eccleston.
  • Cillian = 3+9+3+3+9+1+5 = 33
  • Eccleston = 5+3+3+3+5+1+2+6+5 = 33
I recall seeing this movie years ago on DVD and watching the director's interview where he talked extensively about how something similar to what occurs in 28 Days Later will likely happen here on planet earth, and not in the too distant future.  Well, fast forward to 2014 and Ebola headlines are reminding much of the film 28 Days Later.  Notice that it has been 11-years since 28 Days Later was released.

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