Friday, October 17, 2014

33 47 77 | Ron Klain, Ebola Czar, Born August 8, 1961

These numerologists really cannot help themselves.  President Obama has named Ron Klain "Ebola Czar".  He was previously the Chief of Staff for Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore.
  • Ron = 18+15+14 = 47
  • Klain = 11+12+1+9+14 = 47
Ron Klain was born August 8, 1961.
  • 8/8/1961 = 8+8+1+9+6+1 = 33
  • 8/8/61 = 8+8+61 = 77


  1. I'm just happy we can all relax now about Ebola. This guy is obviously an accomplished medical expert for CNN to call him Czar and I'm sure he will take care of this problem. I for one and relieved.

  2. Michael, I have to ask this question. Would there have been a laughing, rolling smiley face at the end of your reply if there were an emoticon option available or are you being serious ?

    1. Spectator, If you could hear me say it you would hear the sarcasm ;)

  3. Supposedly, Ron Klain was in a Hiliday Inn Express commercial back in 2001 showing him dressed in a space suit and dropping the Ebola virus.


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