Thursday, October 16, 2014

My take on 'religion'

Religion amongst humanity, once upon a time, was a piece of beautiful glass- respect all things living-simple-be in harmony with nature- simple.  Then, by forces with ill intentions, it was crushed into many pieces.  Within these pieces grew cultures of people, with newly formed religions and principles, missing the fuller and greater meaning of the once whole piece of glass that was the religion of humanity.  Within these separated and equally dishonest religions were hints that they were really all one and the same.
  • Jesus = 74
  • Y'Shua = 74
  • Cross = 74
  • Muhammad = 74
  • Occult = 74
  • English = 74
  • Simple = 74
  • Gematria = 74
  • Messiah = 74
  • more...
We need a new religion.  A simple religion.
  1. Be honest
  2. Respect all things living, especially your fellow man, no matter what, even if your fellow man disrespects you -abide by the golden rule
  3. Grow food
If you say this person would be slaughtered, I say to you only by the cruelest of people, who are few and far between.  If you are good to people, even killers, they'll usually be good to you.  How do I know?  I know killers, I'm good to them, they're good to me.  I trust them as much as I trust anyone else.  I think all people should trust one another until a person gives you a reason to choose otherwise.  So many people in U.S. society start off from a distrusting position of their fellow man, solely based on 'assumptions' mostly stirred up by the mainstream media.  This is why we need the new, simple religion and way of going about our day to day lives.  People will see- people aren't all that bad, in fact, we're most all pretty good.  The bad we do is more often a product of our circumstance and environment.  In a better more honest world, one more free of judgements and the assumptions that come with them, there'd be less need for bad.  There'd be less need for insecurity.  There'd be less need for the ills of our day.


  1. Thanks for posting your personal opinion, you should do more of this! I sent you an email a couple weeks ago but never got a response. I had suggested the Ringing Cedar series, and after reading this post, I think you'll enjoy it even more! -Tara

  2. Tara, will you send it again? I don't think I received your email. Thank you!

  3. Maybe I had the address wrong, where would you like it sent?

  4. Thank you, I will check it out a little later today. Much appreciated.

  5. Zachary, I am already a member of that new religion you described in your post, I just haven't figured out a name for it yet and I refuse to call it a religion, other than that, everything else applies. :)


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