Saturday, October 11, 2014

ALCS and NLCS Picks for October 11, 2014 | Baseball Numerology

Today's date is 10/11/14.
  • 10/11/14 = 10+11+14 = 35 >>>>>> 35/8
  • 10/11/2014 = 1+0+1+1+2+0+1+4 = 10 >>>>>> 10/1
Royals at Orioles
  • Kansas = 2+1+5+1+1+1 = 11/2
  • City = 3+9+2+7 = 21/3
  • Kansas City = 32/5
  • Royals = 9+6+7+1+3+1 = 27/9
  • Kansas City Royals = 59/14/5
  • Baltimore = 2+1+3+2+9+4+6+9+5 = 41
  • Orioles = 6+9+9+6+3+5+1 = 39
  • Baltimore Orioles = 80/8
Notice how Baltimore Orioles has a numerology of 8, just like today's date.  The start time of 4:07 also reminds me of 47, the number for President, just like 110.  This year will be the 110th World Series, the realization that had me thinking Nationals and Orioles from the beginning. 

Let us examine the starting pitchers.
  • Kansas City #30, Yordano Ventura
  • Yordano = 7+6+9+4+1+5+6 = 38
  • Ventura = 4+5+5+2+3+9+1 = 29
  • Yordano Ventura = 67/13/4
  • YV = 25+22 = 47, much like the game start time...
  • Both names reduce to 11... KC = 113
  • Baltimore has a -113 line for the game (see image above)
  • Baltimore #25, Bud Norris
  • Bud = 2+3+4 = 9
  • Norris = 5+6+9+9+9+1 = 39/12/3
  • Bud Norris = 48/12/3
  • Orioles = 6+9+9+6+3+5+1 = 39/12/3
I fully anticipate the Orioles will win this game.  It is hard to imagine them taking an 0-2 disadvantage after two home games in the ALCS.  The 4:07 start time and numerology of today points to a win for the Os in Camden Yards.
  • Camden Yards = 3+1+4+4+5+5+7+1+9+4+1 = 44
  • The Orioles won the World Series 44-years ago
  • The Baltimore Colts won the Super Bowl 44-years ago
Giants at Cardinals
Before analyzing the numerology, I already think that because the Giants knocked off the Nationals, they are bound for the World Series.  In other words, whether they win or lose tonight, I still think they are World Series bound.  The St. Louis Cardinals do not have Tony La Russa in his 33-year as a manager.
  • Tony La Russa = 2+6+5+7+3+1+9+3+1+1+1 = 39
  • Won World Series in 33-year as MLB Manager with Cardinals
Now let us decode the teams.
  • San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50/5
  • Giants = 7+9+1+5+2+1 = 25/7
  • San Francisco Giants = 75/12/3
  • Saint Louis = 1+1+9+5+2+3+6+3+9+1 = 40/4
  • Cardinals = 3+1+9+4+9+5+1+3+1 = 36/9
  • Saint Louis Cardinals = 76/13/4
No numerology connections.  Now let us examine the pitchers.
  • San Francisco #40, Madison Bumgarner
  • Madison = 4+1+4+9+1+6+5 = 30/3
  • Bumgarner = 2+3+4+7+1+9+5+5+9 = 45/9
  • Madison Bumgarner = 75/12/3
  • San Francisco Giants = 75/12/3
  • Compare with the KC vs BAL pitching numerology
  • Saint Louis #50, Adam Wainwright
  • Adam = 1+4+1+4 = 10/1
  • Wainwright = 5+1+9+5+5+9+9+7+8+2 = 60/6
  • Adam Wainwright = 70/7
  • Stl. has a -119 line on the game...
  • SF has a 109 line on the game, which has a numerology of 10, like the day
Truth be told, the numerology does not reveal much about who will win either game tonight.  I am thinking about last years World Series Champions, the Boston Red Sox, and how their championship came in the wake of the Boston Marathon Bombing hoax from months earlier in the year.  The closest thing to the Marathon Bombing, in terms of major hoaxes for 2014, has been the Ferguson, Missouri Michael Brown shooting incident.  With that thought on the brain, both the Kansas City Royals and St. Louis Cardinals are located in the state of Missouri.
  • Ferguson = 6+5+9+7+3+1+6+5 = 42
  • Missouri = 4+9+1+1+6+3+9+9 = 42
If this World Series were to occur, it would follow a pattern that connects last years Marathon Bombing with New Orleans Saints success in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, as well as Yankee and Patriot success in the MLB and NFL respectively after September 11.

At this point I think the world series will either be Giants vs Orioles, or Kansas City vs Saint Louis.  Orange and Black in October makes a lot of sense too.
  • Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
For picks, I'm saying Orioles in game two of the ALCS and Giants for game one of the NLCS.

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