Sunday, May 3, 2015

24 42 47 59 84 | Willie Mays Tied by Alex Rodriguez on May 1, 2015, 5-Days Before Turning 84

When Alex Rodriguez tied Willie Mays on May First, I thought something was odd.  It almost makes me wonder if they held Alex Rodriguez up with a fake scandal just so he could surpass Willie and others on specific dates, such as May 1, 2015.
  • Willie = 5+9+3+3+9+5 = 34
  • Howard = 8+6+5+1+9+4 = 33
  • Mays = 4+1+7+1 = 13
  • Willie Mays = 47/56 (Willie Howard Mays 80/89)
  • Notice the 59 95 coding in Willie's name
  • Notice that he wore the #24, a reflection of 42
    • The = 2+8+5 = 15
    • Say = 1+1+7 = 9
    • Hey = 8+5+7 = 20
    • Kid = 2+9+4 = 15
    • "The Say Hey Kid" = 59
Willie was born May 6, 1931, giving him a life number of '42'.  He played his last game at the age of 42, on September 9, 1973.
  • 5/6/31 = 5+6+31 = 42
  • Nigger = 42 (597759)
  • Kaffir = 33/42
  • Howard = 33 (Willie's Middle Name)
Notice that Willie was married for 42-years, before his wife passed.  She passed at the age of 74.

Also notice that Willie Mays's birthday is May 6, and he will be turning 84 this Wednesday.  What scares me about this is many black celebrities have been dying lately, having connections to President Obama.  The worst President has Gematria of 47/56/110 and Obama has connections to 84 himself, from his name in Jewish Gematria to his birthday, 8/4.

It will be interesting to see when Alex Rodrigues hits Home Run 666.  Hopefully not June 6...

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