Monday, July 6, 2015

3000 | A-Rod's 3000th Hit vs Derek Jeter's 3000th Hit

Zach Hample = 8+1+3+2+8+1+4+7+3+5 = 42
Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42
NYC = 14+25+3 = 42

Both A-Rod and Derek Jeter homered for their 3000th career hits, and both did it in New York in home games.  They are the only two players to get their 3000th career hit in New York.  Jeter did it at the age of 37, and A-Rod at the age of 39.
  • Derek = 4+5+9+5+2 = 25
  • Jeter = 1+5+2+5+9 = 22
  • Derek Jeter = 47
  • Alex = 1+3+5+6 = 15
  • Rodriguez = 9+6+4+9+9+7+3+5+8 = 60
  • Alex Rodriguez 
Jeter accomplished his mark on July 9, 2011, and Alex Rodrigues on June 19, 2015.
  • 7/9/2011 = 7+9+20+11 = 47 (Derek Jeter = 47)
  • 6/19/2015 = 6+19+20+15 = 60 (Rodriguez = 60)

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