Monday, August 17, 2015

33 | Nuclear Site Scare In South Carolina, August 17, 2015

Remember, today's life lesson number is '33', an important number to the Nuclear Weapons program and its history.

8/17/2015 = 8+17+(2+0+1+5) = 33

1 comment:

  1. Boy, they really want to nail S.C. Aside from the shooting, 4 Generals were fired for not following orders to Nuke Charleston in 2013. This story I followed back then and even Lyndsay the crook Graham initially reported nukes were missing and possibly in the hands of terrorists. The Nukes were acquired or recaptured by the military and detonated 600 miles off shore on the seabed. On that day there was a 4.5 quake, I verified far of the coast of S.C. Just a matter of time.


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