Wednesday, February 10, 2016

33 50 | "Anti-Beyonce" Rally planned for NYC, February 16, 2016 (Super Bowl 50 Backlash)

Beyonce was a smart choice for provoking the race war by the elites, easily one of the biggest pop icons of the day.

Race War = 9+1+3+5+5+1+9 = 33
Beyonce = 2+5+7+6+5+3+5 = 33

*Anti = 1+5+2+9 = 17
**Anti-Beyonce = 50

Fitting gematria for mainstream backlash stemming from Super Bowl 50.

Apparently a nod to the Black Panthers?  If this was a responsible investigative journalist, they would have watched my YouTube video by now and been explaining how all of this is synched up.  That said, there are zero responsible journalists in the mainstream media.

Terrorist organization?  That would be the Federal Government and the Police, who are responsible for the creation of the Black Panther Party.

2/16/2016 = 2+16+20+16 = 54
2/16/2016 = 2+16+(2+0+1+6) = 27
2/16/2016 = 2+1+6+2+0+1+6 = 18
2/16/16 = 2+16+16 = 34

It is funny how the police are being protected in this article, the biggest contributors to the race war in this nation.

Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33

In total, this comes as no surprise, it is all part of the contrived narrative being forced by the mainstream.  We'll see if anything comes out of this "anti-Beyonce" rally.


  1. "anti" in the English Reduction system equals 17
    mason" in the English Reduction system equals 17

    "anti racist" in the English Reduction system equals 42
    "Freemason" in the English Reduction system equals 42

    "Kanye West" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    And Kanye West is releasing his album tomorrow on 2/11

    Mason in Jewish Gematria Equals: 211

    My work on that.

  2. Black Power" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

    black power in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1131

    Afro Black Beret" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

    Tuesday February sixteenth Twenty sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 167

    February sixteenth Twenty sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 144

    Feb. 16 , 2016

    54+27+18+34 = .. 133 ..

    Keep your eye on this day for another Won for 33.

  3. I am really sensing a Hillary vibe tied into all this. What do you think the odds are that Bernie gets the nom then Hillary runs as an independant?

    All the women who independent??

    First female president is an independent woman?

    1. Ha, that would be fitting! I don't see Bernie taking it though, I would be amazed.

    2. I don't know zach..... He is a Jew after all.

      Besides, he's already made it clear that he wants to change the gun laws and push global warming....

      same shit obama's been pushing.....

      he might be the perfect person to get that done....

    3. I wrote about him last year because he had numbers on him that were hot with the name gematria of 61 and the birthday of September 8. At the time everything was getting coded 98 and 61. Also, he was turning 74...

      Masonic = 74
      Jewish = 74

      And for the record, Bernie Sanders' record is 1 million times better than Obama's record as a Senator. He does stand for a lot of the right things including single payer healthcare which is the only proven healthcare model in the world that benefits the people it is for. He has also spoken out against the wars from day one, something I can't say about anyone else in congress.

      At the end of the day, he is not the establishment's candidate, he is just getting used as a puppet right now for their agenda. They're not going to let an old snarl tooth be the President of the United States.

      If I had to choose one of the clowns on the stage right now, it would be him. I know he has stood for a lot of things that are right, even in the grand show.

    4. Bernie does have a good script for the easily manipulated College Folk.

    5. a lot of manipulation is going on. And Bernie's Campaign seems very scripted. People are starting to wake up to how the media lies....... and i believe they are using that to their favor.

      since day 1 Bernie has always been the guy that the media isn't covering, and how CNN is messing with the polls numbers. To me it's more than obvious that they are using reverse psychology to make people "think" they are doing the right thing by going against the media and voting for bernie....

      Even the "Evil" CEO who raised the HIV medication played a roll...... Bernie has been against big "CEO" if you don't remember like a month after that HIV story broke...... another story came out saying Bernie turned down a huge donation from that guy.....COINCIDENCE??????..... ITS ALL FOR SHOW.

      Internet - "Hey look, Bernie isn't getting any recognition from the media even though he's breaking record attendances"


      "Hey look, CNN said Hillary Clinton won the polls and changed the poll numbers! That's not fair!"


      "Hey look, Bernie turned down that evil CEO's donation!... Bernie is really against the people!"


      To me his whole campaign has been scripted.... and people are herded like sheep to support him. All from the manipulation going on in making people "Think" they are being smart.

      Bernie would probably be the best one to help change and bring in the NWO........ give people free college and stuff. And they will eat out of the palm of his hand.

      P.S. If Bernie doesn't win..... then that will be to purposely piss the world off...... and probably be used someway to create a "civil war" in the future.....

  4. Did u guys hear Chelsea Clinton say "President Sanders" in apparent error the other day? I'm sure there's a link on there somewhere.


  5. Rhianna's new album is named Anti.
    I'm sensing a theme here

  6. What about how we're made to believe Beyoncé is responsible for the halftime show concept and choreography and not just being a good little Monarch slave doing what she's programmed to do. Same shit that tricks people into believing in politics and the whole scapegoat complex of illusions. (No coincidence scapegoat has the same Gematria as Inside Job).

    This Anti-Beyoncé story comes a day after Jeb is now framing himself as The Anti-Trump. ANTI=44.

    1. #BoycottBeyonce =56. #MindControl =56.

    2. Anti= 44
      Lupercalia = 44

      Lupercalia Feb. 13-15

      Anti' is a prefix or preformative for the word against.

      Prefix" in the English Reduction system equals 42

      preformative" in the English Reduction system equals 67

      Anti- Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 42

      Jeb Bush" in the English Ordinal system equals 67


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