The Warriors lost their 53rd game to the Trail Blazers.
Trail = 2+9+1+9+3 = 24
Blazers = 2+3+1+8+5+9+1 = 29
Trail Blazers = 53
The NBA Finals are 105-days away, beginning June 2, 2016, and the Warriors have lost 137 to 105 in the 33rd State, Oregon. Let us not forget that 137 is the 33rd Prime, and the team from Oregon won with 137 points, their PG scoring 51-points in the effort.
Let us not forget that NBA Finals has gematria of '33'.
NBA Finals = 5+2+1+6+9+5+1+3+1 = 33/42
Recall, 105 is an important number to the Freemasons and Zionists, the entities that control the NBA.
Zionism = 26+9+15+14+9+19+13 = 105
Masonry = 13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 105
Seventy-Sixeres = 105 (Only team in league with 105 gematria)
***Recall, Seventy-Sixers won NBA Finals 33-years ago (Golden State from Philly)
Also, Stephen Curry, the star of the Warriors also has '105' birth numerology.
3/14/88 = 3+14+88 = 105
Last season, the Warriors first win of their streak that ended in 28 this season, began in Portland, Oregon, against the Blazers, on April 9, or 4/9. They were chasing 33-wins and Oregon is the 33rd State.
Warriors = 5+1+9+9+9+6+9+1 = 49
Recall the connection between the amount of wins they finished with, 28, when they were chasing 33 straight.
Also, let us not forget the connection between Golden State and Philadelphia, where the Warriors originally began in Philadelphia, who won the first NBA Championship over Chicago. In the background of this shot is Andre Iguodola who played the majority of his career in Philadelphia, and who won NBA Finals MVP last year for the Warriors. The Warriors began the season with a record win streak where the Philadelphia 76ers began the season with a record losing streak. Also, it should be noted that the Philadelphia 76ers won the NBA Finals 33-years ago, that magic number.
What's interesting about the game coming today, is that the date has numerology of '57', corresponding with 'Championship', as in NBA Finals. The NBA Playoffs also begin 57-days after this game, April 16, 2016.
2/19/2016 = 2+19+20+16 = 57

With regards to '131', Lillard, the star of Portland, who won, is born on a date with '131' numerology, July 15, 1990.
7/15/1990 = 7+15+19+90 = 131
Today also has favorable numerology for 'Portland'.
2/19/16 = 2+19+16 = 37
Portland = 7+6+9+2+3+1+5+4 = 37
Curry's line matches his name gematria.
Curry = 3+3+9+9+7 = 31
31-points scored
Notice he and Lillard both played 31 minutes.
Lillard scored a familiar number as well, the same amount of points Curry scored in Washington just before the all-star break.
Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51/60
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42/51
Damian = 4+1+4+9+1+5 = 24
Lamonte = 3+1+4+6+5+2+5 = 26
Ollie = 6+3+3+9+5 = 26
Lillard = 3+9+3+3+1+9+4 = 32
Damian Lamonte Ollie Lillard = 108 (Golden State Warriors = 108)
Notice that Lillard is from Oakland, where the Warriors plays.
Damian = 4+1+13+9+1+14 = 42
Lamonte = 12+1+13+15+14+20+5 = 80
Ollie = 15+12+12+9+5 = 53
Lillard = 12+9+12+12+1+18+4 = 68
Damian Lamonte Ollie Lillard = 243
7/15/1990 = 7+15+19+90 = 131
7/15/1990 = 7+15+(1+9+9+0) = 41
7/15/1990 = 7+1+5+1+9+9+0 = 32
7/15/90 = 7+15+90 = 112
What this game indicates to me, is that if the Warriors are to make the NBA Finals, they will lose this time around. Earlier today, ESPN was asking if Stephen Curry was as good as Michael Jordan. Recall, Michael Jordan never lost in the NBA Finals.
Zach, I knew the trail blazers would win before this game started. Recall Jerome jersey died on February 18, 2015, exactly 52 weeks ago, at the age of 52 years old. He died in Oregon from a "blood clot". He played the majority of his career with the trailblazers, however he also played for the Warriors at one point. I found his death interesting at the age of 52, and he wore the jersey number 25. He also wore the numbers 7 and 12 throughout his career. I've only been following you for a month now so am not certain the rest of the connections as I only recently started learning gematria and numerology but I did notice his name gematria in English Sumerian reduced to 21 (reverse of 12 like one of his jersey numbers).
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I found curious the total score of this game summed to 242, like a mirror of each other: 24, 42
Today on ESPN the headline says "IT'S OVER" and in the video Stephen a smith said the cabs are done is this a sign cabs are winning