Nice ticker time, '38 minutes', just like the supposed shooter's age is '38'.
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38
If you missed my post on the initial reporting, please read that here.
Because the shooting was in 'Hesston', I thought it would be wise to decode Charlton Heston, a former spokesperson for the NRA.
NRA = 14+18+1 = 33
There is a fair amount of '33' coded into this shooting hoax.
Also, 3 dead, 14 injured, reminds of 3.14, the number for Pi, having to do with circles and cycles, a number often coded into these shooting hoaxes.
Notice the shooter's name, 'Cedric Ford', yet another '33'.
Cedric = 3+5+4+9+9+3 = 33
Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
Cedric Ford = 58 (Freemasonry = 58)
Cedric = 3+5+4+18+9+3 = 42 (Freemason)
Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43
Cedric Ford = 85
Of course 58 and 85 are also numbers that show up in shooting hoaxes often. The media is using the image of Cedric Ford below.
They also mention that he received a 'protection from abuse' order approximately ninety minutes before the shooting spree.
Ninety = 5+9+5+5+2+7 = 33
Order = 6+9+4+5+9 = 33 (Sixteen is only other number that sums to 33)
And notice how he was served at about 3:30.
Also, with regards to the '43' gematria of 'Ford', it ties in with the date of the shooting, February 25, 2016.
2/25/16 = 2+25+16 = 43
And as I mentioned in yesterday's post, before the shooter was named, there seems to be a tie to the Charleston Church shooting of 8 months and 8 days earlier, June 17, 2015.
Charleston = 3+8+1+9+3+5+1+2+6+5 = 43
Civil War = 3+9+4+9+3+5+1+9 = 43

What stands out to me about the image, is the amount of 'Green'.
Keep in mind that 137 is the 33rd prime number, and in all of these shooting hoaxes, the number '33' is heavily coded.
Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33
'Excel' also ties in with the 'Green' theme.
Excel = 5+24+3+5+12 = 49
Green = 7+18+5+5+14 = 49
Excel = 5+6+3+5+3 = 22
Industries = 9+5+4+3+1+2+9+9+5+1 = 48/66
Excel Industries = 70/88 (Shooting comes 8 weeks, 8 days after Charleston shooting)
Excel = 5+24+3+5+12 = 49
Industries = 9+14+4+21+19+20+18+9+5+19 = 138
Excel Industries = 187 (Homicide Code)
The name 'Paul Mullet' is interesting, and ties right in with the 'government' operations that these shooting hoaxes are.
Paul = 7+1+3+3 = 14
Mullet = 4+3+3+3+5+2 = 20
Paul Mullet = 34
Paul = 16+1+21+12 = 50
Mullet = 13+21+12+12+5+20 = 83
Paul Mullet = 133 (Government = 133)
The spokesperson is Sheriff T. Walton.
Sheriff = 1+8+5+9+9+6+6 = 44/53
T. = 2
Walton = 5+1+3+2+6+5 = 22
Sheriff T. Walton = 68/77 (Police Department, Police Officer)
Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton = 128/137 (137, the 33rd Prime) (Police = 33) (Authority = 137)
Sheriff = 19+8+5+18+9+6+6 = 71
T. = 20
Walton = 23+1+12+20+15+14 = 85 (Cedric Ford)
Sheriff T. Walton = 176
Notice who the name 'Walton' synchs up with the decode on the shooter's name as well, something we have seen several times before.
That's what they want everyone to think, their town is next.
The sub-headline emphasis on 'hopped out with the gun on' further gives away the hoax that is.
The co-worker who gives the testimony of him hopping out of his car and shooting is Matt Jarrell.
Matt = 4+1+2+2 = 9
Jarrell = 1+1+9+9+5+3+3 = 31
Matt Jarrell = 40 (United States)
Matt = 13+1+20+20 = 54
Jarrell = 10+1+18+18+5+12+12 = 76
Matt Jarrell = 130 (Washington)
It is also interesting that they bring up the 'brand new truck' in light of the shooter's last name being Ford.
Notice the description of the shell casings, with the detail of it being remembered vividly. This is funny, because as we well know, in these shooting hoaxes, guns are often being fired with no recoil and which produce no shell casings.
Dylan = 4+7+3+1+5 = 20
Dylan = 4+25+12+1+14 = 56
Kansas = 2+1+5+1+1+1 = 11
Kansas = 11+1+14+19+1+19 = 65
Authorities were there at 5:06, or 17:06, depending on who is keeping time. Remember, Sheriff T. Walton, the spokesperson, has name gematria of '176'.
According to the story, the first officer to show up was able to shoot and kill Cedric Ford, the shooter with the 'brand new truck'.
Notice the emphasis on 'a mellow guy'.
A = 1
mellow = 4+5+3+3+6+5 = 26
guy = 7+3+7 = 17
A mellow guy = 44
Shooting = 1+8+6+6+2+9+5+7 = 44
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Another interesting detail is that he is from 'Newton', reminding of the Huey P. Newton, the founder of the Black Panther Party.
Huey P. Newton = 8+3+5+7+7+5+5+5+2+6+5 = 58 (Oakland = 58)
Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58
Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
Cedric Ford = 58 (Freemasonry = 58)
Below are pictures of the story tellers.
In the CNN video reporting, they said the first officer arrived at 5:23. This reminds of the recent 'Uber Driver' witness, who paid the $5.23 in cab fare.
John Jones, what name.
John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
Jones = 1+6+5+5+1 = 18/27
John Jones = 38/47
John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
Jones = 10+15+14+5+19 = 63
John Jones = 110
His last Facebook post is interesting as well.
Notice the 10.13 release date, much like 113, the number for 'Scottish' as in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Also notice that it was posted on February 23, or 2/23, just like Masonic in Jewish Gematria. Even the phrase 'Get Like Me' has the Freemason signature inside.
Get Like Me = 7+5+2+3+9+2+5+4+5 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
Another Newton Tragedy----2016(J), 252 Simple. There's your date stamp.
ReplyDeletetwo of the witnesses of near identical names
ReplyDeleteMatt Jarrell
Matt Gerald
Excel Industries
Harvey County
Harvey the movie about a 6 foot tall invisible rabbit imaginary friend
Pop Pop = 20 20
Seems like there is always some witness who heard loud popping pop noises
opening fire = 311 708 118
Another phrase in all these "shootings"
are they really talking about guns or is it doublespeak code for something else. Prometheus comes to mind.
Tall, invisible dark man, sounds like another ritual to Pluto again. The god of time and space and war strikes again
DeleteThe number 33 is shown in the 1972 British anthology horror film "Asylum".
ReplyDeleteThe number then appears as 32. A continuity "error"? A woman called Pamela Davis is credited with continuity on this film.