Tuesday, November 4, 2014

113 | One World Trade Center Opens November 3 (11/3)

The original WTC Complex Opened April 4, 1973
The World Trade Center Project was originally proposed on March 11, 1961, by David Rockefeller, to then Governor Nelson Rockefeller.  See the 113, 311 connection?


  1. Freedom Tower:
    Latitude 40.713°
    Longitude -74.013°
    Add together you get:

    40.713° -74.013° = -33.300°

  2. One World Trade Center: Height: Height: 1,776'


    1776 was the year the US declared independence. Does 21 have any significant meaning?

  3. The occult numerology is fitting

    13 Years after 9/11 false flag.
    $3.9 billion. Remove the decima. 39 = 13+13+13
    1,776 foot Freedom Tower

    London and New York are the two financial capitals of the world. London = 444 New York = 666 (English Gematria)


    444 + 666 = 1110
    1776 – 1110 = 666

    1776 was the same year that the Ancient Bavarian Order of Illuminated Seers was resurrected by Weishaupt.

  4. Also, 47 / 74 and 13 are encoded in each of the coordinates. You can also get 4.11 for the latitude and 11.13 for the longitude if you work with each side of the decimal points and if you add 4+11+11+13 you get 39 again. To top it all off, if you mirror the 411, you get 114 which fits perfectly with Zachary's other post today regarding Tuesdays and tragedies.They definitely have special plans for this building.

    Michael, or anyone else for that matter, if you pop back in here, be sure to take a look at my post on the Antares rocket explosion. I think you will find it extremely interesting.


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