Tuesday, November 4, 2014

33 | Holocaust Hoax Reminders, Stolen Sign from Dachau

It is reported that a sign made in 1933, for the Nazi camp's gates at Dachau, was stolen yesterday, 11/3; emphasis on the 113.  With regards to the year 1933, keep in mind that Holocaust sums to '33' in Gematria.
  • Holocaust = 8+6+3+6+3+1+3+1+2 = 33
  • Zyklon-B = 8+7+2+3+6+5+2 = 33 (Said to have killed majority of Jews, but with scientifically impossible data to support the claim)
The sign stolen is in German, reading "Arbeit Macht Frei", meaning "Work Sets You Free".  Think about that one, and ask yourself if that is a Nazi concept, or a New World Order concept...?

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