Tuesday, November 4, 2014

4 and 11 | 114 and a Tuesday... Ripe for a Tragedy

Today's date is 11/4, a number having much to do with assassination.  It is also a Tuesday, a day often associated with tragedy.  September 11 was a tragic Tuesday...
  • 11/4/14 = 11+4+14 = 29 (2+9= 11)
  • 11/4/2014 = 1+1+4+2+0+1+4 = 13 (1+3= 4)
    • The numerology of today's dates also yield 11 and 4
JFK was once assassinated from 411 Elm St.  The Hoover Dam's new Bridge cost $114m to build and has a coded 114 name.  When will its day come?

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