Tuesday, April 7, 2015

66 116 | Black Man Murdered by Police in South Carolina

This happened Saturday, the story is coming out today, Tuesday, and the name they use for the man shot is 'black man'.  Hmmm.... they were about to find the name Osama bin Laden within hours of the tragedy on September 11.  I say that just for perspective on the quickness with which the media can get names and stories.

Now, let us begin with the location, South Carolina.
  • South = 1+6+3+2+8 = 20/29
  • Carolina = 3+1+9+6+3+9+5+1 = 37
  • South Carolina = 57/66
Notice the Gematria of '66' for South Carolina.  That number is directly to connected to '33', which in this case, represents the police.
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
  • Police = 60 with 'SEG'
  • Conspiracy = 51/60/123
  • The police are involved in many legitimate conspiracies waged against television audiences.
South Carolina was established May 23, 1788.  It is the 8th State, and was established in the year '88.
  • 5/23/88 = 5+23+88 = 116
  • 116 is 911 upside down
  • 5/23/1788 = 5+2+3+1+7+8+8 = 34
As I just said in my last video post, the Carolinas are very much tied to this conspiracy being waged against us.

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