Friday, April 3, 2015

66 93 | Andreas Lubitz and the Captain of the Titanic

If you can recall, the Captain of the Titanic, the boat sinking foretold in 'Futility, Wreck of the Titan' written thirteen years earlier, is said to have increased the speed of the ship as it crashed into the iceberg that sunk it on April 15, 1912.  In both cases, both stories are a hoax.  Yes, the Zionists have been in control all this time and even longer- what a tragedy.
  • Accelerated = 1+3+3+5+3+5+9+1+2+5+4 = 41
  • Descent = 4+5+1+3+5+5+2 = 25
  • Accelerated Descent = 66
Today is the 93rd day of the year, the day of this special headline.

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