Tuesday, July 7, 2015

59 74 | Lewisfield Plantation Observations, Tributes to Slavery

Get all that?  Route 52... 2.5 miles from???
33rd Parallel, 79th Meridian???
Murder = 79 
Wade = 23+1+4+5 = 33
Hampton = 8+1+13+16+20+15+14 = 87
***Hampton = 8+1+4+7+2+6+5 = 33

The plantation was established in 1774, and this incident follows a nearby church shooting that was entirely coded with the number 74.

Notice that Lewisfield was added to the NRHP on May 9, or 5/9.
  • Sedgwick = 1+5+4+7+5+9+3+2 = 36/45
  • Lewis = 3+5+5+9+1 = 23/32
  • Sedgwick Lewis = 59/68/77
  • Lewisfield = 3+5+5+9+1+6+9+5+3+4 = 50/59
This matches the Gematria of the following words.
  • Slave = 59
  • Negro = 59
  • Tobacco = 59
  • Motown Records Established in '59
  • Birth Control Came out in 59
  • Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)
  • Rodney King = 59
  • Rachel Dolezal = 59
  • Many more.
Rodney King was born April 2, or 4/2, and Rachel Dolezal's story came out of the 42nd State, Washington.
  • Nigger = 5+9+7+7+5+9 = 42
Marvin Gaye was murdered on his last day of being 44 years old, and had an April 2, or 4/2 birthday as well.  Checkout the word 'kill' in Gematria, and recall that Marvin Gaye was the King of Motown, established in '59.

Also, one last point about 'Plantation' and 'Confederate Flag'.

You see how they have intertwined a plane crash hoax with their ongoing race war psy-op?  What a joke!


  1. Replies
    1. I second "Kill the 115" sentiment.

      Your work regarding 42/59 is equivalent to a Thesis one must do to receive their PHD....and one day should be presented as such.

      Thank You - 908 Zach Hubbard - 908

    2. Thank you to both of you. A lot can be revealed about this world by coming to understand these things, I wish more would receive this information ASAP. In time, in time!

  2. Jigaboo=59



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