Tuesday, July 7, 2015

84 105 | John Newton's "Amazing Grace" and Barack Hussein Obama's Funeral Performance

Would you believe that the author of 'Amazing Grace', John Newton, former slave trader, shares a birthday was Barack Hussein Obama? August 4.  Recall, Obama sang Amazing Grace at a funeral that foreshadows his own on June 26, 2015.

In regards to John Newton, there is something especially concerning about the date he was born on, August 4, 1725.
  • 8/4/1725 = 8+4+17+25 = 54 (Obama turns 54, August 4)
  • 8/4/1725 = 8+4+1+7+2+5 = 27
  • 8/4/75 = 8+4+75 = 87
His date of death is also curious, 12/21, or December 21, 1807 (187...)(187 = Homicide Code)
  • 12/21/1807 = 1+2+2+1+1+8+0+7 = 22

The Pope's visit comes on September 23 and the final 'blood moon' occurs five days later, September 28, 2015.
  • 9/28/15 = 9+28+15 = 52
  • Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
  • Revolution = 9+5+4+6+3+3+2+9+6+5 = 52
UCLA put out a commercial last year about "bursting their dam" and starting a "revolution".

Moving on, with regards to "Amazing Grace" and "105", Abraham Lincoln died on the 105th day of the year, April 15, 1865.
  • 4/15/65 = 4+15+65 = 84
  • Obama = 84 in Jewish Gematria
  • Obama's birthday is 8/4
  • United States of America = 84

Not only was he born in '61, he is 6'1"
Last year on Obama's birthday, James Brady was assassinated, who had a Gun Bill named in his honor in '84 for saving 40th President, Ronald Reagan.  Think about that, the man who saved a President, is killed on Obama's birthday of all days.  Last year, Obama's birthday fell on the Tisha B'Av, the Jewish holy day of tragedy.

Obama re-opened Ford's Theatre February 11, 2009, the 42nd day of the year
It was last re-opened in 1968, the year MLK was assassinated on 4/4
Obama is the 44th President


  1. I'm gonna have the worst blueballs if they don't do it.

    I'm not worried tho

  2. Barry "Hollywood" Sotoro and another Oscar worthy race bait performance singing Amazing Grace. 18 months more still to go*. Barry wants that race war bad.

    *unless they fake his death

  3. Obama wants that race war. Damn right he does...but lighting that hit the church is not racist.


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