Tuesday, August 18, 2015

102 126 239 | The Number of Days Abdu'l-Baha Spent in America, Leader of Baha'i Faith (4/11/1912-12/6/1912)

There is something strange about Abdu'l-Baha arriving on April 11, and departing December 6, aside from it being a span of 239 days.  It is the following.
  • April 11 is the 102nd day of the year in leap years, which 1912 was
  • United States of America = 102 (Pythagorean, S-Exceptions)
  • December 6 is often written 12/6
  • Baha'i has English Gematria of 126 (Sometimes referred to as Satanic Gematria)

This is what is odd truth seeker.  On Monday mornings, I visit an elderly man named Roger and spend time with him as a weekly routine.  He is of this Baha'i faith and has been trying to persuade me to consider joining.  He has given me the book, 'Some Answered Questions', one of the spiritual texts of the faith.

Funny world we live in.  The clues are all abound.

I find it so fascinating this man spent 239 days in the country...

Recall, Torah has Gematria of 239.

The Baha'i faith is most closely related to Islam, but is based out of Israel, land of the Torah, where Torah has Jewish Gematria of 239.

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